3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Thrusters (105/155#)
Community Notes:
Join us Saturday, July 7th for a special Preschool "Water-play Day" at 10:00 AM.
Ages 3-7 years are welcome.
Fun and fitness paired with water games.
Come in a bathing suit (or clothes to get wet) and a towel.
$10 Registration (for members and non members) or use your CFKIDS punch card!
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.”
― Mark Twain
Cameron 27:07 (85, band pu)
Brian z 23:47 (95, pu)
Rahmon 22:09 65#, pull-ups
Theresa 22:17 Rx
King 19:52 115#
JB 18:58 75#, RR
Kevin B 17:12 115#
Nikki 18:14 Rx
Colleen 18:52 85#, RR
Anna 19:07 65#, RR
Laura Smith 19:34 65#
Forgot to pay for my WOD and Done grips. Will pay up tomorrow or Monday. Sorry!
Dana D 18:06 75rack
Carl 16:27 125
Pete D 18:18 120
Tim H 16:05 RR/95
Pam G 17:17 12Strict Pull
Jessie S 18:08 85/10C2B
Meredith 18:24 75/pull ups(15-10-10)
Fayth 18:15 55/rr
Marissa 18:33 10C2b/85
Gia 18:36 10Pull ups/70
Matt T 17:42 10C2BA/95
John 17:25 63/bndpull
Eileen 17:58 bndpull/35
Teri 17:58 RR/25
Welcome Teri!!! So glad to be a part of your first class!!!
Andrew m 15:02 rx
Jonathan 20:10 pu
Erik 23:12 (115, 10 pu)
Caitlin 21:40 (65, pu)
Caitlyn b 20:31 (70, pu/ rr)
Steph c 19:45 (10c2b att, 75)
Alan 16:46 (ski, rr, box squats)
Mansoor =)
Ryan mc 19:55 (135)
Becky 19:40 (65, rr/pu)
Jeff h 19:20 (135, strict pu)
Missy 20:51 (55, jpu)
Greg h 21:10 (95, last 2 rds 10 c2b)
Alex b 21:00 (75, jpu)
Micah 19:26 135#
Rich A 14:14 Rx
Lydia 21:14 55#/45# (half ea), 15 Band PU
Alex T 21:30 75#/RR (2rds + row)
JEss A 23:36 65#/RR
Remer 17:29 Rx
Braden 18:42 155# sq cleans
Shawna 15:45 65#/RR
Ryan S 16:55 10C2B, 95#
Mike C 20:38 95#
Matt E 22:29 sc?
Kate S 18:40 (70#/RR+C2B)
Jenna 21:14 85#
Alison K 15:33 sc
Steph Mc 19:00 70#
Rob C 20:15 PU/95#
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