W.O.D. 5.29.09
*We will be focused on FORM, not necessarily new PR's. Once you start to loose form do NOT proceed up to the next weight; drop back or stay at that weight. Often too many times we loose focus on form and try to get a new PR. If you happen to get to a new PR with perfect form we will celebrate it, but today's focus is FORM, FORM, FORM!!!!
Weighted Pull-ups
Max Pull-ups
Steve Rakow at CrossFit Ocean City has advice on what to do when your training is not resulting in gains: Read Plateaus and What to Do About Them.
Results from Open Gym:
Open gym was a great success, there were some new PR's set...and alot of skill work accomplished.
Hannah 3:58
Tim 2:58
*Boy, oh boy someday when those Marley kids are born and start CrossFitting imagine their GRACE time!!
Tim and Jason lifted 14000 pounds...because yesterday's 7,000 wasn't enough!
Sam and I took on "EVA":
Sam 44:58
Aimee 46:24
I saw some kipping pull-ups from Jon and Miranda!
Jon had a 200 lb x 3 rep Back Squat!
Granny was back in the house although I have no idea what she did!! She did something!
"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you."
-Henry Ward Beecher
-Henry Ward Beecher
Jeff 225
Doug 285
Laura 120
Jason W. 365
Jason L. 335
Jon 205
Paul 255
Jill 175
Sam 225
Mike F. 350
Jen S. 165
Kelly G. 95
Mike B. 350
Jen B 135
Joe 455 1RM
Cindy 200
Chris 265
Granny 35
Nicole 175
Michael W. 235
Nikki 115
Katie 115
Charlie 345 1RM
I love Crossfit....especially the 6AM Friday class. So much so that I showed up this morning to make sure that it doesn't start till next Friday! I am awesome!
Jim, you can join me at the noon class! Glad I checked!!
Tim & Hannah, awesome Grace times!
Jim-I love the eagerness and excitement for the Friday 6AM...but the expanded Schedule starts June 1st; which is next Monday, so unfortunatley today we only have the 5:30PM and 6:30PM classes.
also gang, I try to keep the schedule on our main website updated weekly, so looking at the side bar of the blog and clicking on schedule and pricing will take you there and also www.crossfitkop.com then click on scheudle. Here's the direct link if you want to save it.
so let me hear your thoughts on this.
wednesday: it was my first day back off of a rest day and i did the 7k lbs workout. i used 75 lbs and it took me 9:13
thursday: i wanted to try a heavier weight and redo the workout and this time i was facing off against tim m. using 95 lbs, i finished in 5:53
thursday (20 minutes later): i was not convinced that 95 is the way to go so we ran through it again. this time i used 75 lbs again and i finished in 7:10. (tired as hell and still 2 minutes better than wednesday)
so, after all of this, i am not convinced that the heavier weight is the way to go. the best finisher in the video used 135 but he said that if he could do it over again, he would use 75 and the 2nd and 3rd place finisher did use that weight.
so, i am thinking that a LOT, and i mean like 80% of this is mental if you are physically strong enough to pick up the weight. i did not want to lose to tim so i kept pushing. i lost the first and second time regardless but in number 3, i refused to stop.
what is everyone thinking about all of this?
Jason, I think you should calculate the horsepower for all those efforts. It won't provide any new information, but it's interesting, and you're an engineer and you have all the info you need except the distance from floor to overhead, so why not.
Also, I think you're right on with the mental part: as the wt. drops, the ability to focus, breathe, and just not stop moving becomes much more important. But with heavier weights it's less mental and more physical. This was probably a very useful experiment for you to get to know yourself. I'll have to try this sometime.
Unfortunately, while you were doing all that work, I was riding the kiddie rides and pigging out on souvlaki and gyros and baklava and funnel cakes at the Greek Festival. MMMmmm.... souvlaki!
I definitely want to do that WOD over again and take minutes off my time.I will stick with the 65lbs. I didn't give it my all. I suck.
I definitely want to try that WOD too -- next time it's scheduled or next time there's an open house. Oooh and I can't wait for the Friday noon classes to start!
Oh, and Ray - I had the same problem where I couldn't post from work, but now it's working. I'm not sure exactly how I did it but I have some ideas if you want to call me at the site I can share!
So, I did some quick calculations and here is what I come up with:
Attempt 1: 191 watts or .26HP (75lbs, 9:13)
Attempt 2: 262 watts or .36HP (95lbs, 5:53)
Attempt 3: 245 watts or .33HP (75lbs, 7:10)
For comparisons sake, if I had used 95 pounds in attempt three and finished in the same time, I would have generated 215 watts or .29HP.
So if time is normalized, it shows that the number of reps is more important in generating power than the weight used AND power generation cannot be used to determine who will finish the workout first. Doing all of this, I am left even more confused. If I pretend that I finished Tim’s second effort of 135lbs overhead 52 times in 5:42, I would generate 228 watts or .31HP. So, I would have generated less power yet finished the workout sooner. I thought that maximum power generation would always lead to better performance? Can anyone explain why this is not the case?
For comparison, my best Fran (5:40) generated 233 watts or .32HP. I know I go all out on that so I am wondering if I should try to get to somewhere in that neighborhood for power generation. If that statement means anything, it also shows that I am capable of more since I was at .36HP above.
I wonder what my power output would be on all of my workouts and I wonder if you could use your top horsepower generation as a goal for what your body is capable of. Who knows, we need some physicists in the house.
Well, I knew I should have done it myself. It does not make sense because the power converter on the sidebar sucks.
Using good ole’ physics 101
So, using this equation:
Jason1 (75lbs, 9:13) = 121 watts
Jason 2 (95lbs, 5:53) = 188 watts
Jason 3 (75lbs, 7:10) =155.14 watts
Imaginary Jason 3 (95lbs, 7:10) = 154.47 watts
Imaginary Jason 3 (135lbs, 7:10) = 153.98 watts
So, the horsepower generated in the same time is roughly the same.
Now assuming I was capable of doing what time did…
Tim 2 (135lbs, 5:42) = 193 watts
Tim 3 (75lbs, 8:08) = 136 watts
So, in my calculations, maximum wattage means you will finish first.
These calculations are easy because it is just getting a weight to a certain height. It will be a little more complicated for Fran and what not.
Jason - I could be missing something, but here's my take on your last few blog entries. W=mgh, right? The total mass you lifted for the WOD was 7000#, a constant. Gravity is also a constant. H is a variable that changes based on the height you lift the bar to. This should be relatively constant for each person. So no matter HOW you lifted 7k (95#, 75#, 135#, etc), you did the same amount of work.
Power (watts) is work over time, so the faster you completed the exercise, the more watts you put out... that is why "maximum wattage means you will finish first."
A few interesting things -
1. A shorter person does less work for the full WOD, since height is really the only variable in W=mgh! (Good news for 5'2" me!)
2. A wide-arm grip like a snatch allows you to lift the bar less high, which equals less work.
One idea is is you could calculate the work for each single lift. If you were lifting 95# versus 135#, although the total work is the same for the full WOD, the work PER LIFT is drastically different. You would have to experiment with your own muscle fatigue to find out whether your body is better at more lifts (low power) or fewer lifts (at high power).
One last thought - we've been completely ignoring the energy and time to bring the bar back from full height to the floor. Because this adds to the amount of time (and energy) it takes to complete the exercise, i'd say you should lift with the highest weight you can without substantially slowing down. This exact weight will vary by person and with training!
LOL, whadya think of all that?!?
Jason -
In your second set of calculations, you appear to be neglecting the work done in moving your bodyweight in addition to the load. When you drop the weight and up the reps, you're doing more total work because you have increased the number of times you have to move your own carcass up and down as well, which means a higher power output to finish in a given time. The sidebar calculator shows that breakdown as "work, body" and "work, weight". For me it's a matter of which gives out first - my ancient and decrepit muscles, or my cholesterol clogged cardiovascular system.
Right on, Nikki and Joe. Excellent points. Especially the word 'carcass'.
All these numbers and calculations must be driving some of the more right brained folks nuts? Anyone?
Myself, I love this stuff. I am curious about the comparison of Fran to this workout in Jason's case. He knows he goes 100% in fran and this is an interesting way to gauge how he has done on a workout for which he has no record. Although certainly, the movements involved effect the outcome. Anyone for 7000lbs of back squats vs. OHS? Same work, right?
And the theory is that enough of this type of data plotted over broad time periods defines your 'work capacity'. But I've never actually seen it done.
Anyway, quick, someone please calculate the power generated during a 400m run...
you are absolutely correct that the work is constant and that is why i was super confused because the calculator was telling me that it is not. however, joe hit it on the head. the calculator is also taking into account that you are raising your body weight that many times and i think they say the height in work=mgh is roughly 2/3rds your height.
so, going back into excel and adding that component to the equation, i now get numbers that correspond to the order the calculator is putting them.
i must say that i do not necessarily like this though since the work is no longer equal if you include the # of squats and as a result we are effectively comparing apples to oranges in which case, you cannot compare times which we know is not true.
so i am going to go with my calculations and if i do that with fran, i get approximately:
297 watts
so, in theory, my second workout using the 95 pounds is shy of my intensity that i put forth for fran.
pi = 3.14
to be picky, the work on back squat and OHS would be different because the weight finishes at a different height.
i did 9500 pounds of OHS and my quads hurt for 2 days. i would MUCH rather back squat
Aaaack, brain pain ... please no more math!!!
all out, all the time...even though I am a fan of the numbers game.
Best time = (max weight you can do all snatches with) * (balls to the wall)
So with all this lbs calculations, I was curious what we lifted during painstorm on Monday - because that made me more sore than I have EVER been in my lift.
So if you used the olympic bar (45lbs) we did 50 Reps of everything, so 45 x 50 = 2,250 BUT we did 8 sets, which totals 18,000lbs! That must have been why I was sore for 3 days :)
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