W.O.D. 5.12.09
5 Rounds for max reps of:
Barbell Thrusters at (W75#/M115#)
Max Kettlebell Swings (W35#/M55#)
There is NO time component to the is WOD, although you must start the KB Swings immediately after the Thrusters.
Make sure you give yourself at least 2:00 minutes rest between each set.
Some thoughts to ponder:
When talking about the outer elements of exercise and nutrition all are important changes to make in ones overall health and longevity, but how much of that change comes from YOUR inner attitude? Does your inner attitude have to change first? Do you think getting through a tough WOD requires more mental than physical strength? How do you determine how many reps to push through before you put the barbell down...is it mental (inner attitude) or physical stress on the body? Do you push harder knowing there is someone next to you not setting down the barbell? Do you finish your WOD thinking maybe I could have pushed harder and not taken as many breaks....
by Charles Swindoll
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ...we are in charge of our Attitudes.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ...we are in charge of our Attitudes.
Make sure you walk the talk – earn the right to hold others to high standards by meeting them yourself. - Eric Harvey
Jason 143
Kit 221
Aimee 226
Jon 102
Tim M. 143 *125lbs
Hannah 248
Devin 136
CP 148
Keith 102
Jeff 139
Sam 165
Doug 178
Miranda 186
Granny 228
Joe A. 106
Jen B. 142
Paul 175
Jim C. 131
Mike M. 197
Mike B. 171
I knw that I am lack confidence in the box and in the real world. So reading that little piece made me think about things. I do better when I am working out next to someone, I need that push from a partner. On my own, I'll give up and I won't push myself. I need the support to push me through the pain and succeed. My best WODS, have been with Aimee screaming at me, or Paul counting.
Thanks guys, I HONESTLY could not do it with out you
For me, for metcons, it's MENTAL. I've been thinking about this and trying to work on it alot over the last few weeks. It's disappointing, but honestly only maybe once a month (if I'm lucky) do I really achieve 100% effort. The kind that makes me nauseus for hours, the kind where i really struggle to stand or walk when it's over and can't get to sleep that night b/c it hurts to roll over. Most times I'm just huffing and puffing and sweating, but I recover in 10 minutes or so and I'm disappointed to know that there was a break or two that could have been a few breaths shorter, or maybe one set that I could've done unbroken, or squeezed out a few more reps before resting in that second round of k-b swings.
Trying to finish ahead of someone helps if they're close enough to actually catch or fend off... otherwise the justification begins and I crack. Trying to beat a known p.r. helps, too. Getting yelled out helps, too, actually. I bet getting punched would really help, too, but let's hold off on that for another week or two.
But what usually does it is seeing others push really hard and gut it out. Especially you women. I could go around the room and remember some specific instance when I caught each of you giving 100%. Those images kinda get burnt into my mind. The fire in the eyes, the quaking limbs, the gasping breaths. It's inspiring. Thanks!
The heavy stuff is easier to go 100%. More physical, less mental. Except pulling under teh bar on the oly's. That's mental.
long post. sorry, but i HAVE been thinking about it.
I went to swim camp when I was 12 and the first thing they had us do was hang a sign above our bed that said "It's a beautiful day and it's great to be alive." They fed us little reminders throughout the day and really inspired us to work hard. Today, this attitude quote is just as pertinent as that swim camp quote, so I printed it out and put it on my bulletin board here at work.
Wow, crossfit turns mushy today! What are you doin' to us aim?! Just kidding, nice thoughts guys.~ For me, i don't think i ever really go balls to wall. I've done some crazy shit in my day, but these days are different. I have a fear that i've never had before. It is the fear of getting physically hurt, seriously, and not being able to take care of my kids. It is always in the back of my mind, can't shake, but really don't care to either.~ Oh, and doug, i usually have trouble rolling over in bed 'cause it hurts, and that's on a good day, so maybe i am working out hard enough! Ughhh, that box addiction! c u all there!
You are such a wonderful daughter and positive teacher/coach for so many,
te amo, Mami`
On days I do crossfit I sleep like a baby granted I don't listen to too much music before bed.
Granted I have a lot of room for which to push myself I still want to be able to drive home and play ball or just walk outside on my off days. Crossfit is supposed to enrich your life and make us want to park as far away as possible from our destinations so we can walk more and take the stairs and have the energy to play sports or other activities. One thing that really helps me is that I stretch every single day before bed and water too. Alot of people I know outside of crossfit don't eat enough to maintain their activity level either.
Push yourself but don't hurt yourself. We're not pro athletes making millions here.
i can't figure myself out so if you have thoughts, i would be anxious to hear them. often times at the end of a workout, i will lay on the ground and catch my breath and be thankful that it is over but similar to doug, in about 3 minutes, i am fine and walking around like not much happened. the workouts that have completely destroyed me were:
1) chelsea (5,10,15 pullups, pushups, squats on the minute, every minute for 30 minutes...when you cant finish in the minute, total amount you finished with remaining time): this destroyed me because it was my first workout and i wanted to show aimee that i was a strong man and capable of huge things. well, after completing 3 rounds in 3 minutes doing JUMPING pullups, and finishing with 2 more rounds in 17 minutes, i was not capable of touching my face.
2) my last fran. for some reason this workout brings out the best or bucket kicking worst in me. i so desperately wanted sub six the last time that i pushed as hard as i possibly could and left nothing on the floor. i was coughing from breating cold air for about 3 days
3) that storm the beach workout. that thing rocked me for whatever reason and when i climbed the rope the last time, i just wanted to fall off and crawl into a corner.
besides that, i am typically fine minutes after a workout. granted i may be sore (150 push-ups) and some others but because i am fine 10 minutes after, i always wonder if i pushed myself hard enough. for me, it is cardio...i feel like i cant breathe and that is a pretty scary thought. who knows, i am trying to get better so everyone has free reign to scream at me and never let me take more than a 10 second break.
i am determine to win, place, show tonight so watch up. i will go until i sound like nicole throwing that bar up and then i will go some more.
I agree with Jason, most times I take a break because I feel like I cannot breathe anymore. All metcons for me are mental. When I feel like I am not keeping up with everyone else or hate the wod, I just want to give up. I know it’s the wrong way to think but I am working on that. Last night was an amazing feeling; I proved to myself that I can do it. I didn’t care how long it took me, I had in my heart that I was walking in there and doing the prescribed wod if it killed me. Aimee and Jason pushed me all the way along with everyone else cheering me on. THANK YOU GUYS!!!! On my drive home, I had tears in my eyes and had a permanent smile that you couldn’t wipe off my face. It was a wonderful feeling!!! Aimee, you are the best coach! So please keep pushing me even when I shoot dirty looks or roll my eyes or say I can’t because deep down inside I do appreciate you pushing me to the end!
Around my age, one begins to realize that the black dog is in pursuit. So, when I feel like quitting, I imagine that the black dog is closing the gap, and I run a little faster for a little longer.
Holy Bejesus! The dog is in the box, but he is not black, he has friggin tiger stripes!
I need to bring my Jack Russell Terriers in to play with him.
great comments, I am 2.5 mos into this and finding that I stil want to stop when I get really winded. Tonite my number was not good, however, I did a lot more kb's in my last set than in the 4th. I am starting to realize that I can push through those moments when I am gasping for air and still have enough strength to complete the set. I try to focus on no limits and almost get lost in the movements and not the numbers or some times I mail it in like a lazy pice of sh&t, but doing that less
Ray~definitely bring the Jack Russels, Cyrus would love it!
Miranda-bring our new baby anytime, he and his pink leash are welcome always! He can be the dog I can't have at home!
I too get upset with myself when I have to stop in the middle of a set or think I can do more. Although I do feel a strong sense of accomplishment after every WOD. That is why I love Crossfit. I have never gotten the feeling I get from Crossfit since the days I wrestled. I push myself and feel pushed by others. I love having the others in the box working out next to me pushing themselves and pushing each other.
Mental readiness is a huge part of CrossFit, which is why I started to “blog” about it in today’s post… Pre-Regional Qualifier I suffered a herniated disk and a sprained risk…I know excuses, whatever, (right? No one wants to hear about excuses) I managed to work through both injuries, but without fail there is a mental component once you seriously injure your back or any part of your body. It becomes harder to push yourself mentally without thinking of the possible risk of injury. So pre-qualifier I was very timid and didn’t want to hurt myself again because I wanted to compete, I had not done heavy deadlifts since October 23rd of last year, my max at that time was 200…so to lift 185 lbs 31 times pushed me past anything I thought possible (anything I thought my back could handle)…and that is often what it takes prior to mentally overcoming a hurdle or muscle fatigue, injury or anything else in CrossFit…Let your mind go and your body do the work. So often if we could do that we would astound ourselves.
Fast forward to post-Regional Qualifier I have a whole new outlook on what it means to push beyond what you thought possible…I’m stronger and training harder everyday. Each WOD feels like a qualifier to me…each day I try to push harder to push past failure. When I thought I was going to hurt my back a 95lb clean was enough…today when I though I was invincible and was never going to hurt my back again, 130lb clean was within reach. Set new goals for yourself everyday, small or big, we are all at a different level and that’s what makes us humans and unique and part of this great community. Thank you all for pushing beyond what you thought possible for yourself and inspiring me every day, you are all a huge part of my life and I relish in your successes…daily. You are all an inspiration to me!
All, Its very hard to post after all of you have posted such deep thoughts about how you feel during each WOD, and especially after Aimee posted about her back and wrist. I have noticed that you guys push hard. I have been injured too. Its not fun. Its something to work through. I also don't have kids to worry about. Today I yelled to Aimee how I didn't want to get out of the car because I knew how bad the workout was going to hurt. For me, its just a matter of getting started. The warmup can be the most painful part. Once you start and get to the 2nd of say 5 sets, theres only 3 more to go. Nearly half way! Its all down hill from there
Helen (3 RFT of 400m run, 21 1.5 pood KB swings, 12 pullups) is one of my favorites and has been the workout that I have learned the most about pushing myself hard in a very short period of time. I used to struggle finishing all of the KB swings at once for all 3 rounds. The third time I did the workout I said to myself, "just keep breathing, your body can handle this," and before I knew it I had finished all 21 reps for each set. My breath is what kept me going. There is plenty of air to go around and you can breathe as fast and as hard as you want.
Our bodies are capable of so much. Mentally preparing yourselves for the hurt will allow you to push past that initial barrier to quit and will get you through the workout so much easier. Take two to five minutes before an especially tough workout, close the eyes, and visualize you dominating it. it will help during the actual workout because you will have already been there mentally.
Once more thing: It will hurt less once the workout is over. So doing a workout as fast as you can is in your benefit.
Hope this helps.
You guys are all an inspiration to me. Each workout it's my goal to be totally exhausted at the end, nothing feels better than wiping yourself off the floor knowing you gave it 110 percent.
Jack Kerouac once said...
There's nothing in the world but the mind itself, and therefore all's possible including the suppression of suffering
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