
W.O.D. 2.21.19

3 RM Push Press

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
10 Deadlifts (75/115#)
15 Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes:
There is still time to sign up for the CrossFit Games OPEN. We will be running the OPEN WOD every Friday in all classes and a special FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS (open heats from 4 PM on) with different vendors each Friday.

Week 1-Lifting Culture Apparel, will be selling gear and P3 Kitchen will be sampling food.

"I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest." 
- Venus Williams


CFKOP iPad said...

Emily d 10 5+3 65
Theresa 10 6+15 Rx
Kevin b 145 5+15rx
Chip 205 5+10 step
Becky 105 6+1 65
Jeremy 145 6+16rx
Jeff g 115 4 95
Meg o 125 7+17 7cal ski

Jenna said...

Mike C 155 pr!/ 4+27 (95)
Ina 35#db/ 4 (no sto)
Christine 95 pr!/ 6+1 (55)
Nicole M 115 pr!/ 4+27 (65)

Jenna said...

Melina 83/ 5+10 (55)
Rich A 210/ 6 rx
Nicole R 70/ 5+23 (45)
Tim H 155/ 4+16 rx
Mary H 110 (2 for 115)/ 5+15 (65)
Meredith 105/ 6+16 (65, su)
Bridget 105 pr/ 6 rx

Mom 50/ 7 (13",35)
Dad 93/ 5+5 (73, 17")
Joe D 125/ 3 (75/ 20")
Laurie 50/ 5+18 (45/17")
Barb C 50 =]
Anne B 65/ 6+5 (45, 17", su)

Matt K 205/ 8+18 rx
Subhan 165/ 7+9 rx
Tyler 165/ 6+15 rx
Cate 100/ 5+21 rx
Annette 65/ 5+10 (65, 17")
Heather 95/ 6+18 rx
Gabriella 75/ 4+4 (65, 17")
Kira 100/ 6+8 rx
Bri 85/ 4 rx

Shawna 95/ 4 rx
John Mc 155/ 4 (95)
Vinnie 200pr/ 5 (95)
Justin (drop- in) 145/ 4 (65)
Rehka 50/ 4 (40, 8")
Karen M 105/ 4+26 rx
Jill H 105/ 5+15 rx
Mike M 155/ 4 (75)
Lairssa 80 Pr/ 4+2 (45/55)
Roberto 165/ 4+13 (115)

Erinn 85/ 7+1 (55)
Andrew M 195/ 7+15 rx
Joe S 205/ 6+17 rx
Jeff 245/ 8+6 rx
Ryan K 155/ 6 rx
Jen C 115/ 7+17 (55)
JP 190/ 6+25 rx
Colleen 130/ 6+5 rx
Twinnie 110/ 5+18 rx
Caitlyn 95/ 5+3 rx
Rebecca 45/ 4+15 (35)
Dan M 150/ 5+2 (95)
Noel 185/ 5+20 (step ups)
Sam F 155/ 5+6 (95)
Cory w 175/ 6+1 rx

Jenna said...

Laura a 125/ 7+1 rx
Braden 155/ 6+21 rx
Jeff h 165/ 5+5 rx
Sid 75/ 4 (45/95, 20”)
Marissa 125/ 6+4 rx
Erika 95/ 5+25 (65, 17”)
Gia 100/ 5+5 (65)
Liz 95 pr/ 5+13 rx
Trini 65/ 4 (50,17”)
Kim 70 (5 fs)/ =)
Tori 95/ 5+9 rx
Lisa 115/ 5+8 rx
Erik 165/ 5+4 (95,20”)

Neil 185/ 5+7 rx
Dave 110 pr/ 4+4 (85,20”)
Eva 55/ 5+5 (45)