W.O.D. 7.12.09
Choose your hero!
Choose your hero!

3 Rounds for time of:
800 M Run
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah.
for time:
Run 800 meters
for time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 400 meters backwards
There will be NO CFKids class today at 11:00.
"Military power wins battles, but spiritual power wins wars."
-General George Catlett Marshall
Cindy 26:44
Paul 18:32
Lisa 18:58
Scott 15:22
Chris 16:58
Ed 23:08
Chris S. 25:15
Nicole 24:56
Meg 22:53
CP 21:24
Tom 24:54
Han 24:46
Mike B. 15:18
Kristin 18:16
Paul 12:31
Granny 13:54
1st Annual Bridgeport National Games
Event 5: 30 Power Squat Snatch (75#) 30 Wallballs (20#) 3 Rds
Sam: 15:50 (1st Place)
Jason: 25:49 (2nd Place)
Tom: 25:34 (45# Power Snatch)
Event 6: One Rep Max Power Squat Snatch
Jason: 135 (1st Place)
Sam: 115 (2nd Place)
Tom 135
Event 7: AMRAP in 8 of 4 HSPU, 8 KBS (55#), 12 GHD Sit-ups (we made one!)
Sam: 5 Rounds (1st Place)
Jason: 2 Rounds (2nd Place)
Tom: 5 Rounds (Box HSPU and Regular Sit-ups)
Champion: SAM
Did yesterday's CrossFit Games WOD #5 at home. 30 Wall Balls / 30 Hang Squat Snatch for time. Did the first 10 reps with just the bar, then had to drop back to just a broom stick to keep good form. Time: 24:24.
How did they do this yesterday at RX weight after everything else? I now understand why so many went DNF. I am in awe.
I may try a scaled version of today's WOD #2. I am rigging up a GHD now using my jump box and hooking my feet under the car bumper! Sweet!
Soon our coach will be back but I thank all of you for the efforts you demonstrated today. I am sure the heat did not help with those runs! All-Star time...
1) Tom: Stuck around and did all of the workouts with us bringing his total to 4 in one day! Get that Icy Hot ready for tomorrow
2) Cindy: For someone that does not like to run, you did awesome! You beat my time from February and you had a hill to deal with! AWESOME. Also, it has to be noted that you did not let yourself take a break longer than 5 seconds. Loved it. I wish I had that mental drive.
3) Ed: Awesome effort and way to finish strong.
4) Scott: Destroyed it, well done. Can't wait to make you do it again with a GHD. :)
5) All of the People that did Grif. I am happy that you challenged yourself and did a workout that may look funny and is something that you may have never done before. Well done.
Last but not least...
6) Sam: Awesome effort over 2 days. I am excited to work out with you and help you get ready for the qualifiers next year. I think you will definitely be ready as soon as you get your kips down. Also, I swear I did not decide to do all 7 workouts just so you couldn't practice your kips so Aimee can win. ;)
Two more WODS here at home:
Event #2:
AMRAP 8 min: 4 HSPU, 8 KB Swings, 12 GHD SU's. Did HSPU's off my 20" Box, used 35# KB, Used jump box as GHD hooking feet under car bumper.
Completed 4 rounds. Homemade GHD worked great. I was careful not to extend too far. GHD situps can cause some serious rabdo for the uninitiated, and they are hard.
Final WOD:
3X10 35# KB Snatch in 5:00. I had to work in the snatches somehow, but I don't have a lot of weight here.
This ends the 2009 CrossFit Masters Division Games. Time to drink beer and swim!
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