Oh, that's right... BURPEES!!!!
About Goal Setting...and then let me know if you want to work one on one to set goals for the next year. I know we posted goals on the blog a few months ago and they are posted on your gym wall, but how many have you attained? Do we need to re-set goals? Re-define...?
Upcoming Events:
Steph 11
Scott 15
Mike F. 9
Ed 8
Lisa 13
Liz 8
Shawn 11
W.O.D. 7.17.09
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Squats
Sprint to "number 11"
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Burpees
10 Squats
Sprint to "number 11"
About Goal Setting...and then let me know if you want to work one on one to set goals for the next year. I know we posted goals on the blog a few months ago and they are posted on your gym wall, but how many have you attained? Do we need to re-set goals? Re-define...?
Upcoming Events:
August 1st Tony Blauer's Personal Defense Readiness & Spear System at CFKoP. Details to follow.
Fall No Sugar + Challenge...details will be announced in early September. Are you in?
Saturday September 12th Upper Merion Community Fair.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
- Thomas A. Edison
Steph 11
Scott 15
Mike F. 9
Ed 8
Lisa 13
Liz 8
Shawn 11
Gina 7
Dave 7
James 6
Dan 12
Kevin 11
Charlie 11
Jill 9
Cindy 9
Han 11
Tim M. 7
Laura 15
Tim P. 15
Jen S. 11
JZ 11
Kel 9
Jeff 11
Paul 13
Jason 12
Nicole 11
John 9
Kristin 9
What can we substitute for burpees for this one?
Just kidding...(kind of). :)
I recognize that WOD....we only did 15 min though.
Charlie did that WOD yesterday day too and got 20 rounds in 15min.
Have fun with the guys/gals!!!
B. Yoak
Thanks Brian, yeah, Charlie mentioned it yesterday and I couldn't resist :)
Did the following yesterday:
warm up on treadmill: 11 round: 45 sec incline, track sprint
5 round: 5 push press, 10 burpess
50 squats, 50 push ups, 50 sit ups
From Xfit Endurance:
20 rounds:5 kb swings, 25m sprint
Hey Kit,
I need a favor from you can you give me a call or email me. 484-300-6188 or Scoty176@aol.com Or if anyone might have Kits email or number it would be appreciated.
Id have to say 20 rounds in 15 min seems to be a little bit unreasonable. thats less than a min a round.
Scott- they only did Burpees and Squats...no sprint
I see, that makes more sense. Good stuff though Great workout everyone today and a lot of sarcasm for a 6am class. Very nice
Great article Aimee, but I don't think the author has met any crossfitters. Jacinto competed at the 2008 CrossFit Games at age 69. An elite athlete by any yard stick. I am not sure where the bottom of this well is!!
Tim P,
I think you got gypped yesterday on your score. I am pretty sure we all did 155 on the Push Press and I know you did far more Pull Ups than I did. I think only counted your top round of Pull Ups, but the score was based on your max 3X Push Press weight plus the total of your top 3 Pull Up rounds.
I'd like to work on my goals with you I had alot when I initially posted them. I think I need to reacess and make them more manageable.
Great link on the goals - I know I've been working towards some of mine, and finally achieved my 10 kipping pullups in a row! I was excited too, that made me think its time to go back and revise, maybe I can bump it to 15 by the end of 2009...
Devil & I I did this one in the parking lot of north Penn high school. With some brushburned knees (not the first time for devil to have them) & completely exhausted bodies, we finished
Devil 14 rounds complete
Cp 13 rounds complete
Devil and CP-Solid work!!!
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