
Thanks for the black and whites Doug!
Tim, Lisa and Sam...again some faces of anguish at the Level 2 WOD.

Nasty Girls
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

Doug 9:33
Aimee 10:05
Mike M. 14:01
Sam 14:18
Lisa 24:52
Tim M. 26:32


Kit said...

Nice work with that Level 2 wod. Been a long day today and tomorrow is going to be even longer...but we have not even done anything yet. just paperwork and info about checking in.

2200 WOD (thats the time I did the workout):

Pullups- Dead Hang
Dips- Parallel bars
4x Double Unders (84,60,36)


It was a shoulder dominator.

So far so good. Thursday may be a different story, we have swim qual's that day. 4 hours of it. Prettyyy sweeeet.

Hannah said...

doug, heard about your amazing muscle ups tonight. sorry i missed the show. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

youll be fine with the swim quals Kit. They were always fun for me until they kept spraying me in the face with water. Let me know if you need any help with anything


Mike said...

Great times last night again everyone!

Kit you should kill that swim...

On another note check out this vid, it's from the livestrong foundation, inspirational to say the least


Nicole said...

Love the black and white pictures!!!