W.O.D. 6.25.09
Monostructural Madness
Run 200M
Row 200M
20 Double Unders
Run 400M
Row 400M
40 Double Unders
Run 800M
Row 800M
80 Double unders
Schedule and Event Update:
Next week, Thursday July 2nd we will be adding a 12:00 Noon class on the the regular schedule. The next Yoga class with Jen Fugo will be on July 16th from 6-7:30PM, $10 for CFKoP members and $15 for non-members. We have a special 4th of July WOD next Saturday...details to follow.
Good luck to our friends Josh and Tanya in Aromas!!!
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paul 17:45
Lisa 24:00
Kit 15:59
Jen 24:00
Steph 27:15
Aimee 17:33
Sam 19:09
Did this at home:
5-5-5-5-5 OHS w/ 45 lb Bar for form
"Ray's KB Complex Madness"
AMRAP in 20 Min
5L/5R 35# KB Snatch/Push Press/Squat
25 35# KB Swings
50 Jump Ropes
Completed 4 Rounds in 19:53
This WOD was a killer, and you should try it. It is a great mix of strength and metcon. For the complex you do a snatch, then right into a push press, then right into a squat. Repeat 5 times left, then switch to the right side. I only have a 35# bell, but men should try 54# or even 70# for you beasts out there. I will be honest, 35# kicked my ass. Ladies should start at 25# moving up to 35# and 54# for the lady beasts.
OHS are really tough for me. The bar alone was a challenge. The weight overhead is no problem, but getting down into a good squat and staying on my heals is hard. Well, I now have a bar to work on it. Of course, we also have the quenn of OHS as our coach.....Aimee!
pretty upset i missed this wod...i'll be making this up the next time i can get my hands on a rower
...ray looks like a firebreather...
pretty gased today so I did a nice quick one
55# dumb bell swing
Double unders
twice - 1 min on 30 seconds off
twice - 30 seconds on 15 seconds off...(last 30 seconds knocked out 56)
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