
W.O.D. 12.24.21

12 Days of Christmas--CrossFit Style 

1 Deadlift (185/275) 
2 Handstand Push-ups 
3 Box Jumps (20"/24") 
4 Push-ups 
5 Med Ball Cleans (14/20) 
6 Burpees 
7 Toes to Bar 
8 Clean and Jerks (75/115) 
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/115) 
10 Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft) 
11 Thrusters (75/115) 
12 Power Snatches (75/115)


RX + version...
1 Deadlift (185/275) 
2 Handstand Push-ups 
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
4 Push-ups 
5 Squat cleans (75/115)
6 Burpee box jump over
7 Toes to Bar 
8 Clean and Jerks (75/115) 
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/115) 
10 Two-fer -Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft) 
11 Thrusters (75/115) 
12 Power Snatches (75/115) 

 Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete 1 Deadlift...then 2 Handstand Push-ups; 1 Deadlfit...then 3 Box Jumps; 2 Handstand Push-ups; 1 Deadlfit...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is a chipper, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability. 

You can work in teams of 2 if you want!

Advent Day 24:
Largest set of two-fer wallballs in one set 

Top Rx and Scale M/F all are awarded a ticket

***Advent Bonus***
Anyone who completes the 12 Days of Christmas Workout today will receive a ticket!

Classes TODAY:
Rolling heats between 8:00 AM and 11:00AM

Holiday Schedule:
Friday 12/24 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) 12 Days of Christmas Workout.
Saturday 12/25 and Sunday 12/26 - CLOSED.
Friday 1/31 - 8-11 AM (rolling heats) LINDA Workout, record breaking/goal setting.
Saturday 1/1 and Sunday 1/2 - CLOSED.

"Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most."
-Ruth Carter Stapleton

1 comment:

Taylor W said...

jeff p 37:48 rx
hannah 38:17 RX
Sean f 34:48 rx
Greg 43:00 RX+
Rich a + dave 18:54 rx+
Keith fitness
Missy 41:30 sc
Jamie s 40:28 rx+ PU
Meg o 42:56 reg wb
Pam g 31:57 RX
Jim n 49:27 sc
Gordy 41:27 ladies rx
Meredith 46:23 sc
Dana evan 25:58 rx
Samson 43:22 95#
Refer 45:49 rx+

Jess K 31:41 (m)
Randy 46:19 95#
Laura :)

welcome committee 20:58 Rx
Meg 35:54 sc
Julia 42:03 sc
Brian s 35:57 rx
Lenny 38:10
'Alex brom o 38:30 scaled
ben 38:41 scaled
Karen m 44:38 ( 55# 185)
Danielle G 44:40 (155 2 pulpits 7 kbs)