
We have a Chiropractor in House

Dr. Kevin Turner is a local chiropractor and CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. He has been treating the local CrossFit community for over 4 years and has treated athletes from 17 local boxes! As many of you know Dr. Kevin has been treating the community of CF KOP for about a year now and many athletes have found benefits for both injuries as well as maintenance and optimal performance. If you have not yet stopped in to check him out he is around on Thursday afternoons and evenings or schedule by emailing drkevin@lwchiro.com.


Anonymous said...

That's a really smart idea actually. I remember having a chiropractor work with us when we studied jujitsu. Whenever we'd get a dislocated shoulder or some other injury, he'd be right there and fix it for us to keep going. I really miss that class, I had to move away, but I'll probably go back and visit.

costlules said...

now {and many|and lots of|and plenty of} athletes have {found|discovered} {benefits|advantages} for {both|each} {injuries|accidents} {as well as|in addition to} {maintenance|upkeep} and {optimal|optimum} {performance|efficiency}.


BIG DOG said...

Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article. upper cervical chiropractic