

W.O.D. 9.21.09
CrossFit Total

1 RM on Back Squat, Press, Deadlift.
Total weight for all three lifts is the score
(compare to 7.20.09)

Click here to read the Journal article regarding CrossFit Total.
Click here to read the basic strength standards for men and women.

Iceland Sven's top sandbag sprint video ... [wmv] [mov]
Iceland Annie crushes the sandbag sprint video ... [wmv] [mov]
...can you find your coach on the hill in Annie's video???

CrossFit Spotsy, CrossFit Fredericksburg, and Rare CrossFit (all in VA) score some local press: Read.

Are you ready for the Fight? There are only 5 days left until 9.26.09; Fight Gone Bad... Are your donations in order? There is a sign up sheet available at the box, so decide which hour slot you would like, 9AM-12PM. We will need counters as well.

He may not be able to add a cubit to his stature, but by taking thought a man can most assuredly increase the size of his muscles, strengthen all his organs, and add to his general vitality. But he must put his mind, as well as his muscles, into the work.
— Eugen Sandow, Father of Modern Strength Training

Cate 560
Chris T. 245
Dan 685
Kara 240
Laura 385
Nikki 465
Jill 400
Ed 890
Joe A 955
Tim P 625
Liz 325
Rob 645
Jason 835
Aimee 520
Nicole 475
Chris S 840
Jerry 725
Kristin 425
Steph 390
Jeff 620
Curtin 585
Kelly 345
Jen S 395
Chris P 755

Level 2:
Trevor Xtreme

Team of 2:
50 Towel Pull-ups
75 Hand Stand Push-ups
100 GHD Sit-ups
125 Pistols

Team of 3:
90 Towel Pull-ups
120 Hand Stand Push-ups
155 GHD Sit-ups
190 Pistols

Aimee/Swine 25:52
Han/Granny/Sam 37:12


Anonymous said...

That new gym looks amazing! Hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow I hit the bench press and reverse curls just the way Amy likes it. Sorry no pull ups or burpees... but I did manage to get a jump-rope!

Meighan said...

Steph - Facebook me!!


Aimee Lyons said...

Steph-haha! You know my favorites!

Everyone-Our parking lot is now paved and they are also paving the street out front. I'm not sure what will be finished (or how long pavement takes to set up) and I have no clue what will be finished by 5:00PM (for the start of class)...so, just a heads up, the Frosty Falls lot and parking across the street will be available if the pavement is not set up yet.

Meighan said...

Cate - awesome job!!!

Swine said...

Great job on the CFT Steph Your sholder press was great. You did amazing for your first class. Keep it up.

jen said...

way to go steph! nice job--sorry we missed each other!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys! I was super nervous to come to the first work out! I left like 15 mins early and got stuck in traffic that wasn't moving! I pulled the car into the camelot parking lot and booked it to the box! It was a great time..coaches u r amazing. I was very proud of my first lift numbers.

Jason Lyons said...

Steph, your press is almost what mine is, that is solid girl. Awesome job. Welcome. Just important to remember that at one point in time, all of our names were on the bottom of the board, rest assured yours will not be there for long and other people will have the same nervousness that is easily overcome simply by coming to class and getting to know a couple of the awesome people in the box.