W.O.D. 9.10.09
3 rounds for time of 21-15-9
Deadlift 225/155 Pounds
Handstand Push-Ups
*Internet note: the blogger search engine is down, I'm looking into it and will keep you posted on the status.
YOGA: Will be offered Thursday 9/10 from 6PM-7:30PM with Jen Fugo, all are welcome, $10 per person.
Weekend Notes:
SATURDAY- We are offering a split class schedule, the 11:00AM class will be the ONLY class held at the box (1010 DeKalb) on Saturday, Paul will be your coach. The other class "in the Park" will be offered at the Upper Merion Community Fair at 1:00PM. If you typically do either 2x or 3x a week, this WOD in the Park will not count towards your total, it is a free WOD for members. The UM Township Building is located at 175 W Valley Forge Rd. King of Prussia, PA 19406. Directions going north on Rt. 202 turn left on Henderson Rd., left onto Valley Forge Rd. (Rt. 23) at traffic light, to township building immediately on left. Park is behind township building. Myself and Jason will be there all day, if you would like to stop by and see our booth or help out please do!! Just let them know at the gate that you are with CFKoP.
SUNDAY-Okay, finally... the long awaited move!! Get excited, it's finally here, we are moving to the big box on Sunday! We will be incorporating the MOVE into a WOD for the 9AM and 10 AM classes on Sunday, we will actually begin the process at 8AM if anyone has insomnia and wants to wake up a little earlier feel free to stop by. Again these two WOD's will not count toward your total for the week if you do 2x or 3x a week.
MONDAY-Going forward all WOD's will be held at 200 DeKalb. Bridgeport Pa. 19405. We will be updating the Wednesday schedule. Wednesday we will now offer a 5:30PM and 6:30PM class. The 6:30PM class will be taught by Tim P. and/or Paul, our newest coaches and will follow the daily blog.
Click here for the updated schedule.
We appreciate your help, support and contribution to CrossFit King of Prussia, especially during this time of transition.
If you don't know about Steve's Club (NJ) and what they're doing to help inner city youth, you should find out. Read This Makes Everything Worth It. (Make sure to read the text below the photo.)
Then, without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that a quiet conscience makes one strong.
-Anne Frank
Rx Results:
Sam Rx 9:33
Aimee Rx 13:30
Tim P. Rx 15:51
Dan (Rx to Ab Mat) 17:57
Jim 225 8:33
Swine 225 (ROM suspect) 11:22
Lisa (ROM suspect) 8:06
Laura 105 11:01
Mike L. 65 10:55
Tom 225 15:19
Nicole 155 10:44
I forgot to say that a few nights ago, I dreamt that I ate chocolate chip cookies and other sugary snacks and....SODA and lost it because I thought I was out of the challenge.
so even though I don't necessarily have a sweet tooth, I guess this challenge is hitting my subconscious too!
P.S. If you guys have the Crossfit Journal, watch the Dr. Sears vids on inflammation and listen to Crossfit Radio episode 80 for some good insight into sleep and the necessity for "quality sleep" i.e. multiples of 90 minute cycles.
Chris P or Hannah (or anyone else that has access to the Villanova gym) -- Would you be interested in doing some sort of workout there this afternoon? I'm taking a rest day tomorrow so I really want to get something in tonight. I'm thinking met-con but I could use a skill/strength day too if that's better for either of you...! You can email me at nicole.sieller@gmail.com
nicole is freaking hot!! that picture is my screensaver now! 155#! you go strong girl!! :)
yeah Nicole!!!! get some!
HAHAHA!! You girls are soooo funny!!
My cleavage looks great. HA!
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