Grab a friend and join us on Monday, Labor Day at 10AM for a FREE friends and FAMILY workout!
For time:
12 Ring Muscle-ups
Run 800 Meters
9 Ring Muscle-ups
Run 400 Meters
6 Ring Muscle-ups
Run 200 Meters
“If you absolutely can't tolerate critics, then don't do anything new or interesting.”
- Jeff Bezos
Mark 11:18 JMU
Theresa 11:53 JMU
Mike S 11:12 JMU
Jamie 10:09 sand bag cleans
Jeremy 10:59 JMU/strict C2B
Ben 12:31 JMU
Manny 13:03 JMU
Mike C 11:43 JMU
Kevin 11:01 7JMU 5C2B, 9JMU 5C2B,6JMU 5C2B
Mike M 9:40,JMU
Mike P 9:59 JMU
Jeff M 9:52 JMU
Randy 16:06 Rx
Joe c 16:06 9/6/3 ass bike 2k/1k/5k
Anna c 13:00 t+d 400/200/200
Rahmon 11:52 banded mu
Lea 11:21 t+d c2bike 2k/1k/500
Larissa 11:17 t+d
Ryan c 13:16 t+d
Jackie H. 😁
Mary H. 😁
Donna G. 😁
12:15 EXP
Kevin H. 15:59, bike 2k,1k,500
Tim H. 10:13,ghd,bike 2k,1k,500
Pete D. 19:19 Rx
Rich A. 15:52 Rx
Pam G. 15:27,trans & strict pu’s
JP. 18:07 Rx
Kate 14:51 trans
Roberto 14:04 Rx
Remer 11:43 Rx
Barb B. 14:34 trans
Kira 14:04 rx
Tyler 11:46 rx
Hannah 14:17 (trans/ neg dip)
Annette 13:09 (trans/ neg dip)
Gabriella 13:26 (trans/ neg dip)
tunde 11:02 RR/boxdip/air run
mike m 18:10 T+D
karen m 19:03 t+d
julie r 15:52 t+d
alex t 17:31 6-3-3
samson 11:25 4-3-2
joe s ????
laurie 11:03 rr/dip
mary rose 14:20 rr/dip bike
ryan k 12:00 bndpull/dip/bike
jen c 10:36 bndpull/dip
andrew m 9:46rx
farrah 15:06 rr/dip/bike
colleen 11:34 rr/dip
erin m :)
Bhargav 11:00 t+d
Natalie 10:55 t+d
joe s 10:08rx
Subhan 15:39 (5/3/2 att)
Josh s 12:23 (8/4/4)
Laura s 12:01 (400/400/200, trans/neg)
Gia 12:18 (trans/ neg)
Matt e 13:42 (trans/ dip)
Kim 11:48 (trans)
Jess 12:52 (trans/ neg)
Alex 14:06 (trans/ neg)
Missy 14:13 (trans/ jump hold)
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