

Take 15 minutes to work up to a  3 RM Back Squat

For time:
20 reps, Back Squat 155/225#
30 reps, Toes to Bar
40 reps, Kettlebell Swings 55/70#


“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
― Dr. Seuss


Unknown said...

I was trying to emulate my dogs kettle bell swings and I chipped a tooth trying to hold it in my mouth. Are there rubber kettle bells?

Mike T. said...

Wax 235/8:13 sc
Erika :)
Balmer 300 7:45rx
Jason L. 300 w/clips baby 8:17rx
Gina 155/sc
Roni 155/ 6:35 115#/44#kb
KT 165 3RMPR/6:49 125#
Brian H. 255/7:35 sc
Justin R. 225#/7:55 (155#)
Luke 235# ROM/ 8:49 sc


Paul S said...

Ronnie 125 7:04 #55Russ
Susan 125 6:47 #55Russ
Barb 110 8:30 Scale
Lisa 115 5:47 #35
Christ 115 4:59 #45Russ
Kara 115 5:40 #44
Jessie 115 5:07 #44
Nicole 110 4:30 #55Russ
Lauren 115 5:15 #35Russ

Chris P. said...

going heavy on the swings? niiiiice

Paul S said...

My 9:30 ladies getting used to some heavy weight russian style!

Travis said...

1) I had power the whole time
2) curling is awesome
3) the Atlanta area is expecting a few inches of snow and has called on the national guard for help
4) I like this workout today
5)Sundays are now boring

Aimee Lyons said...

Ryan B 405PR/ 4:13 GHD Situps Russian
Joe G. 225 PR/ 7:05 GHD Situps Russian
Travis 195/ 7:17 GHD Situps

Chris P. said...

335x5 at school

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

John M

Mobility regulars are looking good! Developing some real range of motion and the athletes are saying that squat depth is achieved easier. AWESOME!

Aimee Lyons said...

some other notables from 3:30PM...Congrats to Joe G for getting his first DU then getting 8 in a row after that!

Also to Travis for taking out the double jump and stringing a set of 8/9 together too!

Travis said...

Thanks Aimee. Telling me to first try without the double jump then to slow it down helped so much. Now that I know it is possible I will continue to work on it!

Paul S said...

Its not a huge deal but please try to sign up for strength if you are coming, had to sign in like 15 people.

Keith B said...


Dave C 310 7:01 russian
JZ 205 6:03 scale
Eddie 115 6:35 t2b
Jill 145 6:49 35
Ryan S 205 5:01 Russian
Nicole P 73 6:40 Russian


Melissa P 90 7:47
Borden 285 8:17 53
Rachel W 155 9:26 russian
Kelly 165 9:55 35
Tim H 255 8:17
Conn 255 8:39 sc
Chio 155 9:20
Sam M 245 7:00 russian

Jason Lyons said...

Roman: 215 (6:56, 185#)
Olan: 235 (9:22, 185#)
Regi: 150 (5:00, 100#, 45R, floor)
Marci: 103 box (6:01, 65, 26R, floor)
Brandon: 225 (7:01, 185#, 70R)
Anne B: 103 box (5:46, 73, 35, floor)
Liza: 115 (6:11, 85, 35R, floor)
Tracy: 150 (6:00, 100, 53R, raises)
Nick S: 115 box (6:40, 75, 45R, floor)

Anonymous said...

peter 255 6:38(185)
Alona 140 6:36 (95, rom,44)
Jonathan 285 5:45 (185,flr, 45)
King 185 6:32 (135, 55)
Nick C 215 9:22 (185,53)

Anonymous said...

peter 255 6:38(185)
Alona 140 6:36 (95, rom,44)
Jonathan 285 5:45 (185,flr, 45)
King 185 6:32 (135, 55)
Nick C 215 9:22 (185,53)

Chris P. said...

not gonna lie, I thought that pic of Rye-bread was Paul b/c of the hood

Chris P. said...

somehow I think that's an insult to both of them