Happy Birthday Coach Tim!!
Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump, 25/21 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 35#/55#
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
(compare to 10.13.11)
Reebok on a mission to get it's Employees Fit by Jenn Abelson - Boston Globe
Scaling UP a workout - Part II by C. Plentus
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
-Clay P. Bedford
Mike P 30:11
Kristin T 24:15 (+45#PP)
L.P. 20:47 (GHD)
Olan 33:38
Kevin B 28:11
Keith B 32:52
Tim P 23:49
Mike T. 30:00 (+30"box)
Tim P. 23:49
Mike C 26:05
Scaled in some sorts or reps:
Justin K 36:08 KTE/Single Unders
Josh 32:31
Lauren 22:30 (25/50reps)
Elyse 35:52
Becca 35:27
Mark C 22:29
Andrea 20:52
Graeme 23:54
Kelli 21:27
Dan G 38:00
KSB 40:57
Ciera 41:33
Sarah W. 20:00 (20 reps)
Mike W 28:45 (25 reps)
Arin 40:45
Travis 35:48
Rob Ph 31:09
Sharon 38:00
Jen Sch 36:37
Kathleen 36:12
Joy 30:05
Joe C 37:33
Steph V 40:44
Tamas 34:09
Meg B. 31:42
Becky 41:15
Mel 30:01
Katie K 33:48
Gabe 29:55
Alison 28:36

For time:
50 Box jump, 25/21 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 35#/55#
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
(compare to 10.13.11)
Reebok on a mission to get it's Employees Fit by Jenn Abelson - Boston Globe
Scaling UP a workout - Part II by C. Plentus
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
-Clay P. Bedford
Mike P 30:11
Kristin T 24:15 (+45#PP)
L.P. 20:47 (GHD)
Olan 33:38
Kevin B 28:11
Keith B 32:52
Tim P 23:49
Mike T. 30:00 (+30"box)
Tim P. 23:49
Mike C 26:05
Scaled in some sorts or reps:
Justin K 36:08 KTE/Single Unders
Josh 32:31
Lauren 22:30 (25/50reps)
Elyse 35:52
Becca 35:27
Mark C 22:29
Andrea 20:52
Graeme 23:54
Kelli 21:27
Dan G 38:00
KSB 40:57
Ciera 41:33
Sarah W. 20:00 (20 reps)
Mike W 28:45 (25 reps)
Arin 40:45
Travis 35:48
Rob Ph 31:09
Sharon 38:00
Jen Sch 36:37
Kathleen 36:12
Joy 30:05
Joe C 37:33
Steph V 40:44
Tamas 34:09
Meg B. 31:42
Becky 41:15
Mel 30:01
Katie K 33:48
Gabe 29:55
Alison 28:36

Happy birthday Tim!
Happy Birthday Coach Tim! Have a great day!
happy birthday, Timmmmmmmmmmehhhhhhhh! enjoy your special day :)
Happy birthday handsome! I hope you have a great day. Your my favorite.
Happy Birthday TP!
Happy Birthday Pappy! I miss you and the gang!
Happy birthday Tim! Looking quite dapper in that photo!
Happy Birthday Tim! Thanks for the great coaching. Enjoy the day!
Happy birthday Tim!!!! I hope you treat yourself to some cool stuff from REI or Patagonia, in the color blue of course.
Happy Birthday, Timmy, good friend and neighbor.
GiGi and Chloe
Happy Birthday Tim. Its always fun to chase after you in wods!
have agreat day.
Two birthdays today- double burpees! Happy Birthday to Travis too!!
Hey Travis! Happy birthday to you too!!! Hope you enjoy your day and do something fun.
Happy Brithday, Ti-muh!
Happy birthday Tim!
The "T" birthday day?
Travis, your effort and intensity is awesome; you clearly give it your all and by doing so you make other people step up their game. Happy birthday!
TPNovaItsYourBirthdayAndYouCanCryIfYouWantTo, happy birthday buddy! Your passion for CrossFit and for endurance sports is awesome and you are a great resource for people to go to. You're also a great rabbit for people to chase in wods. Treat yourself to Baja and an REI trip today.
Thanks gang, it's a pleasure to coach everyday, even the early mornings, my favorite. I love to feed off your energy, so keep up the great work. I'm going to eat Baja for breakfast now, have a good day.
Mike P 30:11
Kristin T 24:15 (+45#PP)
L.P. 20:47 (GHD)
Scaled in some sorts or reps:
Justin K 36:08 KTE/Single Unders
Josh 32:31
Lauren 22:30 (25/50reps)
Elyse 35:52
Becca 35:27
Mark C 22:29
Andrea 20:52
Graeme 23:54
Kelli 21:27
To one of my fave x fit coaches, happy birthday. I love what you do in the box and out. You're all about what you do and the energy is awesome. I'm sure your lady has something wonderful up her sleeve for you so enjoy the birth week. I'll assume you'll be by with some tailoring projects.
Happy happy birthday, tim!!!. I have a feeling this wod is gonna hurt today
Happy Birthday TP!! Love the picture.
Happy birthday both Tim and Travis!
Happy birthday Travis! It’s been great seeing the intensity you’ve brought to all the wods this year!
Happy birthday Coach Tim! I learned so much from you in the past year, especially at your endurance classes. Particularly, I loved the way you would not only push people to work physically hard, but also teach us how to train intelligently and why consistency is so important. It’s a huge honor for me to call you my coach and friend (and neighbor!).
Here's a birthday tribute album to Coach Tim:
Happy birthday guys.
Happy B-Day! Always enjoy the WOD's when you are in!
You are the man! My fundamental coach - Thanks for all you do. Instead of burpees can I bench press Tim?
-Ohhh man. - Plentus, real funny guy, I dont know who authorized those pictures to be used, but you must have been banking them for a looooong time because I dont even know where you got them and I thought that I had them hidden.
-Travis, Happy Birthday bro.
Happy birthday Timmy. Love giving you a hard time with germs and different color markers- but thats only cause I like you! Hope you have an awesome day.
Happy birthday travis!
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis.
Enjoy your day!
Nice job P. Lentus! That explains a lot!
happy birthday, Travis! hope you also enjoy your day!
OMFG. those pictures. priceless. i'm running out to frame them all right now.
Happy B-Day Tim
Happy Birthday Travis. I hope you drink lots of beer today.
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis!!!
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis! Have a great day!!
Happy birthday Tim !
Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I never thought working out could be so addicting to me. It's the atmosphere at crossfit kop that makes me push so hard. If I don't give it my all I don't feel like I'm doing it properly.
If anyone wants to do extra burpees I'll be at the 4:30!
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis! I hope you guys have great days! :)
Happy Birthday, Travis!
Coach Tim, I always learn so much from you and I appreciate the personal touch you add to coaching. You are a big reason I love CrossFit KOP. ENJOY your day - you know, eat some junk food ; )
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis!
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis!
4:30 Results
Mike C 26:05 Rx
Alison 28:36 Rx
Mel 30:01 DC
Steph V 40:44 DC
Katie K 33:48 DC
Gabe 29:55 DC
Arin 40:45 DC (DU att)
Travis 35:48
Rob Ph 31:09
Sharon 38:00
Jen 36:37
Kathleen 36:12
Joy 30:05
Joe C 37:33
Way to push through a long chipper...great intensity by all. Welcome to Mike C from South Carolina. How did you guys escape without Happy Birthday Travis burpees?...Happy B-Day, Tim and Travis.
Happy Birthday Tim and Travis!!
4:30 - update
Travis 35:48
Rob Ph 31:09
Sharon 38:00
Jen 36:37
Kathleen 36:12
Joy 30:05
Joe C 37:33
Happy Birthday Timmy!
So, time for people to be mad at me.
Rx: Every movement is done using the proper weight and FULL range of motion is completed every time. (i.e. your knees touch your ELBOWS, not your triceps or you full lock out every push press)
DC: Basically doing an Rx workout but on 4 of the 50 KTE, you think you may have touched your triceps. Hell, if it is 1 rep, it is DC. If 50 of 50 or some other big number are not performed to range of motion, you are scaling, NOT coming damn close.
Scale: Anything that is not Rx or DC.
Please understand that I am NOT trying to be a dick but rather inforce standards so you know if you are improving.
Say I do Filty50 and I get 28:00 but I know in my heart of hearts that only 20 of my KTE were legit. Say next time I do the WOD, I get 29:30 but I know every single time I touched. This represents IMPROVEMENT and you will never know that unless you are honest with yourself.
I had a conversation with an athlete last week after doing Angie and their comment was, "there is no way I was doing legit pushups before". The reason they said this was because their most recent time was slower than the previous time. I know the athlete is MUCH more fit so I agreed with them.
Do not care about any other person in class. Standards exist for YOU to measure YOUR progress. Be honest with yourself and where you are so you can accurately and precisely know that you are getting better and if you are not, identify where you need work.
thank you.
For the record- I did not give myself a DC. I used a band for KTE...NEC. I would never call that DC. I whole heartedly agree with jason. But I must say I am not a fan of DC to begin with. If I am at the point where I'm only going to be missing a few reps of something for ROM- I will repeat the reps- or call it scaled.
On this same vein- On strength days i would encourage athletes to either only write down their score for a lift with full ROM or write down the score with a notation of ROM next to it (even if one out of 3 you didn't go below parallel lets say.) This too will help with your record keeping over time- and be a truer measure of comparison among athletes.
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