See if you can spot your coaches...Evan, Jason and Aimee.
W.O.D. 11.2.09
Skill Transfer Exercises for the Snatch
Snatch Push press
Over Head Squat
Pressing Snatch Balance
Heaving Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Today we will focus on drills to enhance skills...specifically those skills to help with the snatch.
and an little AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
3 Snatch Push Press
3 Over Head Squat
Click here to check out Coach B.'s Website.
"When the arms bend the power ends." *
-Coach B.
*make sure you all ask Jason how this quote applies to your clean practice!
L2 Results:
Pick your Poison:
Sprint 200m -OR- 20 Double Unders
20 Ball Clean Thrusters -OR- 40 Wall Ball
20 Clapping Push-Ups -OR- 40 Burpees
Run 400m -OR- 40 Double Unders
10 Brand X Bear Complex (Clean-Thruster-Lunge-Lunge-Back Squat-
Thruster) 95# -OR- 10 Hom-Strametz Complex (Power Snatch-Heave
Snatch Balance-Lunge-Lunge-Overhead Squat-Thruster) 75#
5 Maniac Muscle-Ups -OR- 25 Pull-Ups & 50 Dips
Run 600m -OR- 60 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups -OR- 40 Shoulder Press @ 50% Bodyweight
20 Pistols (10 each leg) -OR- 30 Broad Jumps for Distance
Row 600m -OR- 60 Double Unders
30 Knees-to-Elbows -OR- 75 Sit-Ups (or GHD)
15 Clapping (aka Flying) Pull-Ups -OR- 40 Kipping Pull-Ups
Run 400m -OR- 40 Double Unders
15 L-Sit Pull-Ups -OR- 25 Kipping Pull-Ups & 25 L-Leg Raises
20 Windshield Wipers (On Ground) -OR- 50 Hanging Knee Tucks
Row 200m -OR- 20 Double Unders
30 185 lbs. Snatch Grip Deadlift -OR- 45 185 lbs. Clean Grip
(Standard) Deadlift
Caterpillar Walk 50m -OR- Bear Walk 100m
Skill Transfer Exercises for the Snatch
Snatch Push press
Over Head Squat
Pressing Snatch Balance
Heaving Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance
Today we will focus on drills to enhance skills...specifically those skills to help with the snatch.
and an little AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
3 Snatch Push Press
3 Over Head Squat
Click here to check out Coach B.'s Website.
"When the arms bend the power ends." *
-Coach B.
*make sure you all ask Jason how this quote applies to your clean practice!
L2 Results:
Pick your Poison:
Sprint 200m -OR- 20 Double Unders
20 Ball Clean Thrusters -OR- 40 Wall Ball
20 Clapping Push-Ups -OR- 40 Burpees
Run 400m -OR- 40 Double Unders
10 Brand X Bear Complex (Clean-Thruster-Lunge-Lunge-Back Squat-
Thruster) 95# -OR- 10 Hom-Strametz Complex (Power Snatch-Heave
Snatch Balance-Lunge-Lunge-Overhead Squat-Thruster) 75#
5 Maniac Muscle-Ups -OR- 25 Pull-Ups & 50 Dips
Run 600m -OR- 60 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push-Ups -OR- 40 Shoulder Press @ 50% Bodyweight
20 Pistols (10 each leg) -OR- 30 Broad Jumps for Distance
Row 600m -OR- 60 Double Unders
30 Knees-to-Elbows -OR- 75 Sit-Ups (or GHD)
15 Clapping (aka Flying) Pull-Ups -OR- 40 Kipping Pull-Ups
Run 400m -OR- 40 Double Unders
15 L-Sit Pull-Ups -OR- 25 Kipping Pull-Ups & 25 L-Leg Raises
20 Windshield Wipers (On Ground) -OR- 50 Hanging Knee Tucks
Row 200m -OR- 20 Double Unders
30 185 lbs. Snatch Grip Deadlift -OR- 45 185 lbs. Clean Grip
(Standard) Deadlift
Caterpillar Walk 50m -OR- Bear Walk 100m
Sam 29:57
Aimee 42:08
Swine 49:11
Jason 56:49
Han ?
Lisa ?
As a part of my nutrition certification program I have to practice taking health histories and I need to get two done (preferably one male and one female). I am looking for volunteers (victims?) and would really appreciate the help! Would anyone be willing to be a guinea pig for me? It would take about 20 minutes and it would be completely confidential!
Cindy I'll volunteer - I'll be there tonight at 5:30 if that works for you too?
HI-LAR-I-OUS... 'ask Jason'
Cin - me too!! I need all the help I can get when it comes to nutrition.
Let me know when and where.
Hi Cindy,
I'm in, if you want male guinea pig!
Let me know..
um, I can barely read the Level 2 WOD. Mad props to all that attempt Level 2 and go back for more torture wach week. Maybe, ona few months I'll be able to try a class
Pick your poison is surely an interesting wod... More of a suck fest than any type of cf recommended programming that I have seen on main site or the major cf affiliates. Aren't you afraid of burnout or injury?
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