Rick Bucinell. Clean and Jerk 416#.
Photos above from the USA Weightlifting Masters Oly Lifting Competition held at York Barbell. Jason and I had the opportunity to attend this yesterday, talk about some impressive lifts!!
W.O.D. 11.9.09
Tabata Fight Gone Bad
We will perform 5 different exercises in tabata fashion (20 seconds on and 10 seconds off) 8 rounds each with no rest between exercises. We will use counters and total score will be total amount of reps for all exercises.
The exercises are:
Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10 ft target/8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 21" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds/55 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)
Tabata Fight Gone Bad
We will perform 5 different exercises in tabata fashion (20 seconds on and 10 seconds off) 8 rounds each with no rest between exercises. We will use counters and total score will be total amount of reps for all exercises.
The exercises are:
Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10 ft target/8 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump: 21" box (Reps)
Push-press: 75 pounds/55 pounds (Reps)
Row: calories (Calories)
50 Ring Dips
"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are."
- Malcolm Forbes
Kerry 252
Plentus 323 (Rx)
Ditty 173 (Rx)
Sam B 269 (Rx)
Rob 248 (Rx)
Liz 214
Laura 248 (Rx)
Shawn 221 (Rx)
Cate 268 (Rx)
Kara 260
Megs 234
Dorothy 242
Doreen 216 (Rx)
Gina 232
JZ 222 (Rx)
Kristen 208
Curtin 218 (Rx)
Miranda 262 (Rx)
Teresa 316
Mike B 295 (Rx)
Jeff 277 (Rx)
Nicole 245
Tom 241
Chris S 249 (Rx)
Westwood 227
Jerry 255 (Rx)
Level 2:
15 Deadlifts (225/155#)
15 Burpees (jump over the bar)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
As many reps as possible in 5 minutes (need to complete at least 10 of each)
20 OHS (115/75#)
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Double Unders
Sam 1:18
Jason 1:23
Paul 1:23
Nikki 1:26
Aimee 1:30
Lisa 2:22
Aimee 82
Sam 80
Paul 72
Jason 71
Nikki 66
Lisa 53
Aimee 1:42
Swine 1:54
Lisa 2:07
Jason 2:08
Sam 2:13
Nikki 3:10
Total Placement
Aimee 7 pts
Swine 7 pts
Sam 8 pts
Jason 10 pts
Nikki 15 pts
Lisa 15 pts
"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are."
- Malcolm Forbes
Kerry 252
Plentus 323 (Rx)
Ditty 173 (Rx)
Sam B 269 (Rx)
Rob 248 (Rx)
Liz 214
Laura 248 (Rx)
Shawn 221 (Rx)
Cate 268 (Rx)
Kara 260
Megs 234
Dorothy 242
Doreen 216 (Rx)
Gina 232
JZ 222 (Rx)
Kristen 208
Curtin 218 (Rx)
Miranda 262 (Rx)
Teresa 316
Mike B 295 (Rx)
Jeff 277 (Rx)
Nicole 245
Tom 241
Chris S 249 (Rx)
Westwood 227
Jerry 255 (Rx)
Level 2:
15 Deadlifts (225/155#)
15 Burpees (jump over the bar)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
As many reps as possible in 5 minutes (need to complete at least 10 of each)
20 OHS (115/75#)
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Double Unders
Sam 1:18
Jason 1:23
Paul 1:23
Nikki 1:26
Aimee 1:30
Lisa 2:22
Aimee 82
Sam 80
Paul 72
Jason 71
Nikki 66
Lisa 53
Aimee 1:42
Swine 1:54
Lisa 2:07
Jason 2:08
Sam 2:13
Nikki 3:10
Total Placement
Aimee 7 pts
Swine 7 pts
Sam 8 pts
Jason 10 pts
Nikki 15 pts
Lisa 15 pts
Ha, i just did regular FGB yesterday for the first time. talk about an ass kicker. What is a good score for that? I got 408 for 5 rounds.
408 sucks man.
I hear some of those Taliban get 450 at altitude up in the Hindu Kush. You better work on it.
Semper Fi brother! Have a Happy Birthday tomorrow.
That was me!
Way to punish yourself man. FGB is only 3 rounds. lol. I can't imagine wanting to go back for more. Most people consider 300 a really good score. The monsters of CF get over 400, which is unreal to me.
What was your score at 3 rounds?
Kit- Just an FYI, your Dad did FGB this morning and got 210, a huge improvement from 2 months ago when he did 147. He also jumped the 13" box 5 times!! WHOO-HOO!!!
5 Rounds of FGB, what were you thinking...LOL!
For 3 Rds 300 + is good, 400+ is elite.
Aimee & Jason, Thanks for the picture and the support, looking forward to the next time I can come over. Definitely January. Good luck in the bigger box.
Don G.
Thanks for the well wishes Ray! Happy birthday to you too! Semper Fi.
I was in the mid 200's for 3 rounds, like 260.
Night Land Navigation tonight...woot, walk through the woods looking at a compass trying not to get your eyes poked out by random sticks or fall in the big creek that runs through the middle of the woods.
I really, really would like to watch someone score over 400 on this workout. If they get over the 10 foot target every time, I do not think there is a more impressive feat in CrossFit.
The L2 WOD's looked killer. What are walkouts?
I got a 100 on night land nav... my future wife will never be able to tell me to stop for directions. (but i will since i'm nice) I am a navigation guru!
Walkouts are like our inchworm warmup. But you stay in only one place walk your hands out, do a push up and then walk your hands back in. You then come to full hip extension to stand up then rinse and repeat.
Hope it helps. By the way tell dad to keep up the good work.
Also congrats to Nikki for completing her first lvl 2. About time she showed up.
I also hope to see more new people at this WOD in the near future. I really feel there are some people who could join us.
Swine, I would love to do a level 2, but i done want to wuss out or not be able to rx. I will maybe try it next week, you guys are close to be elite, in my book:)
I think it might take me 1:42 to get IN the GHD machine to do the sit ups!!
Miranda - bite the bullet, you CAN DO IT!
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