

100 Double Unders....then

30/20/10 reps of:
GHD Sit-ups
Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft)

....then 100 Double Unders

The freedom to do your best means nothing unless you are willing to do your best. 
- Colin Powell


Aimee Lyons said...

6 am
Colette 12:23 RR/AB?bike
bella 20:58 bard
Elizabeth 16:39 rx
jamie 12:34 rx
Megs 18:08 10#
Subhan 13:10 rr
hannah 14:02 rx
julia 15:14 AB
Mike s 18:58 scale
Mark 13:43 RR AB

aimee 12:42 rx
Em g 15:09
Erini 18:34 singles
Mary 12:17 RR c2 air squats
ABO :)
Dave h 16:25 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

dana 15:25 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Geoff 15:26 50 du 15/10/5 PU

Pam G 14:09 1/2 pullups
Matty Bo 17:16 abmat
Kevin H 15:05 rx
Dave H 18:48 rx
Pete D 22:47 rx + c2b
Freaky G 15:03 rx
Meredith 14:53 1/2 pu singles
Rich A 15:01 rx + c2b

Aimee Lyons said...

Sean 15:57 40/30/20/10 reps

2:00 ski/su/du
25/15/10 reps of:
GHD Situp
Pull up
2:00 ski/du/su

Gordy 14:56
Terry 15:15
Evan 19:16
Paul 18:26
Lee 16:10
Kathy 15:38
Lisa forgot to look

Aimee Lyons said...

Remer 12:01 rx
Jeff P 10:36 rx
Erin M 11:26 rx
Keith B 19:50 AB mat
Edwin 16:53 (SU) Kip
Kristen N 15:30 1/2 pu band (2:00 du attempts)
John M c 16:26 abmat/RR
Alex Tu 14:00 reduced volume
Nat Dentist 17:35 15/10/5 band abmat 10#
Donna G 16:36 1/2 pu
Olan 18:00 50 du
The Nat 15:19 rx
Mike Mit 17:01 (senior scale)
Joe S 15:36 rx
Roberto 19:18 rx
Yex 18:00 rx

Colette said...

Michael C 18:40 rom ghd some rr 14# 9ft :90dubs
Kamilah 21:12 scaled
Alex Brat 18:30 kipping attempts
Baez ?
Danielle CG 14:48 15/12/10 ghd
Leah 20:41 12 ghd w/sit ups
Danielle C 18:20 10# :90 dubs

Colette said...

Steph C 18:00 15/10/10 ghd 80 dubs cash out
Ben 19:38 1 min dubs
Greg 17:37 rx
Jessie 17:30 banded pull ups :90 dubs rom ghd
Missy 16:53 rom ghd pull ups and ring rows 8# :90 dubs