

 5 Round for total reps/calories:
:40 work/:20 rest Ski Calories
:40 work/:20 rest Air Bike Calories
:40 work/:20 rest Row Calories
:40 work/:20 rest Double Unders
1:00 Rest

Community Notes:
Don't forget to sign up for the open at games.crossfit.com
We will do our intramural draft soon!

All great changes are preceded by chaos. 
- Deepak Chopra


Keith B said...


Julia did work
Kate 264 25du/rnd
Hannah :) Rx
Elizabeth 507 Rx
Subhan did not track
Aashish :)
Kristi 288 2rndDuPractice/3rndsSingles
Colette 433 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 244 situp
Evan 249 situp
Mary 217 situp (c2)
Jill H 236 situp
Jackie 251 rx
Nat Dentist 106 rx
Em B 343 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Carl B 531 rx
Jess A 125 rx
Rich a 502 rx
Pam G 358 rx
Mark S 480 rx
Jamie 173 (ski/ab/c2/seated plank)
Mak 368 rx
Meg D 342 rx
Meredith 478 su

Ben Berry said...

Danielle 391 RX
Seth 405 singles
Shannon 369 singles
Erini 350 singles
Danielle C 302 singles
Baez 307 RX
Gia 318 singles

Taylor W said...

mike m 288 singles
Olan 280 RX
Yex 258 rx
edwin 447 singles
Roberto 387 rx
John Mc 336 singles
Jeff 606 rx
Ben 292 rx 6 rounds
Meg O 482 rx
Kyle 425 singles
The Natalie 417 rx
Erin 409 rx
Remer 517 rx
Will 299 rx 6 rounds
samson 429 rx

Taylor W said...

steph c 348 rx
Grace 358 rx