

"The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 reps, 95/135 pound Power cleans
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

This WOD is scored by rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

Cargo Net Climb

Community Notes:
What's the deal for Thursday?
Festivus - our annual holiday party is on Thursday evening. Throughout the day we will offer a 6:00AM, 7:00AM, 9:30AM and 12:00PM regular CrossFit Class. At the 9:30 AM class there will be a variation of Festivus...bring a gift under $5 and come prepared to have some fun.

There will be NO evening "regular" CrossFit classes or strength classes...ONLY Festivus!

Who is welcome at Festivus?
EVERYONE (who is a member of CFKoP)!

When should I arrive?
About 4/4:30PM...and the WOD will commence closer to 5:30PM.

What should I bring?
A gift under or about $5.00 and a dish or drink.

What should I wear? 
A "festive" holiday sweater or something like it...we value creativity. 

What should I expect?
You can also air your grievances & get your picture by the aluminum pole!
We will provide a catered meal and some drinks.
The WOD will be a team workout--your team will consist of a random selection.
Remember we will also pick the "yearbook" awards.

Is it really worth coming?

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

–Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


emilyyannabella said...

The energy this morning was AWESOME. I am so proud to Coach every single one of you. Everyone killed "The Chief" by doing their best. Made my day guys!
Thank you Jeff for dropping in!

Jeff: 20 +17 SC
Kim G: 15 SC
Becca: 10 SC
Roni: 18 RX - You're an inspiration girl!
Erika: 18 RX - You make me proud!
King: 20 RX - Great job!
Pete: 23 RX - Never stopped for a minute, awesome buddy!
Oleg: 20 RX
Mike S: 15 SC

Lots of RX in this class - I love it.

Jason Lyons said...

I heart Festivus. It makes me smile. I also like corn, stupid TV shows and Pearl Jam. Thank you.

emilyyannabella said...

9:30, laid back and bad ass. Great job today guys! Welcome Brian when you see him everyone! He did great today!

Lauren: 14 + 11 SC
Jackie: 15 SC
Diane: 15 RX - You're amazing girl!
Brian: 11 SC - Welcome to CFKoP :)
Ronnie: 15 +

All around good day. Awesome!

Chris P. said...

Tobin 25 Rx
Joe C 13 Rx
AOTM 14 Rx
Anne Br 15 45#
Josh 12 75#

Agam 20 sc
LP 25 Rx
Ditty 15 83#
Shawna 13 65#
Tim H 14 95#
Kate C 26 Rx
Patrick 21 Rx
Klutch 22 Rx

Stasie 15 65#
Travis 13 115#
Jeremy 17 105#
Nicole F 20 65#
Balmer 26 Rx
Liza 18 55#
Conn 15 Rx
Johnny 20 Rx

Congrats to Anne Br., Nicole F, Stasie for getting up the cargo net for the first time!

Jen S. said...

Jessie 18+2 scale
Mark 18+4 RX
Olan 15 RX
Andre 16 scale
Seshu 19+3 scale
Steph 19 scale

Great improvement from everyone in the power clean! I was very impressed! Great Job 7:30!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love a BIG nooner ;)

Alison K 21 rx
Tom 21rx
Nick A 15 95#/RomPU
Barb 17 75#
Beth O 17 35#, InclPU
Pam 18 Rx