

Overhead Squat
15 Rep Max
take approximately 5 sets to get to your max 15 rep Overhead Squat

Cash out:
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Overhead Squats @ 70% of your 15 RM
2 Rope Climbs

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters.” 
― Audrey Hepburn


steph v said...

klutch 115, 4:19@75
KT 85, 3:33 75

Brain h form, 6:37sc
Becca form, 8:28 sc
Sara A form, 8:18sc
Nick C 115, 6:08@75

Kristin T. said...

Hi Steph - I think our times are reversed for the 6 am. also, I used 65# for the cash out :)

Anonymous said...

Yes kt, I did reverse it. Sorry about that!

12n mark c form.

Paul S said...

LP 100 5:22
Dan (Michigan) 145 4:07
David 75 4:22
Fran 45 4:11
Ronnie 55 4:08
Dianne Form 4:27
Greg 75 4:21
Brian SG. 65 4:19
Barb Form 4:03
Colin 95 3:56
Kate 55 (fs) Oops
Rory 55 (fs) 5:30
Dillon 45 (fs) 5:40

5 Drop in's today. Welcome to Dan From Michigan, and Colin, Kate, Rory, and Dillon from Cali and Virginia.

Steph V said...

4:30pm Dave N 115, 10:03@75

Unknown said...


Tom C
Mike L

Remember that if this stuff hurts you need it!!

Paul said...

Ryan S. 130, 8:16
Dave C. Form
Luke Form