

12 Days of Christmas at CrossFit KoP
1 Deadlift (185/275)
  2 Hand Stand Push-ups
  3 Box Jumps (21"/25")
  4 Med Ball Clean (14/20)
  5 Clean and Jerk ( 75/115)
  6 Toes to Bar
  7 Burpees
  8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/115)
  9 Wall Balls (14/20) to (9ft/10ft)
10 Thrusters (75/115)
11 DB Squat Snatch 11L/11R 25/40
12 Wall Ascents (6ft/8ft)

Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete (1 Deadlift)...then (2 Hand Stand Push-ups and 1 Deadlfit)...then (3 Box Jumps, 2 Hand Stand Push-ups and 1 Deadlfit)...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is a chipper, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability.

We are allowing the workout to be done in teams of two, one athlete working at a time OR SOLO.  This is a slightly different than the version we have run in the past and will prove to be even better!  As always we can scale this according to level and ability...drop in rate is $20 for any visitors.

Community Notes:
CrossFit KoP will be closed tomorrow for Christmas, December 25th. 

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."
-Roy L. Smith


Anonymous said...

It was great only get to do part of the 6 a.m. WOD because the coach last night did an FU to Miranda and we spent 35 minutes setting everything up this morning.

Anonymous said...

Ellie & lauren 26:35 sc
Tim & Miranda 25:47sc
Tara & Julie 28:03sc

Miranda said...

this will be quick, hope I don't get in trouble at work.

It's not the evening coach's responsibility to set up for the am coach. It is my job as the 6 am coach to do all that, have you warmed up and through the wod and then a cool down. This is my fault that some of you may not have completed all 12 days, and only my fault. This was my first time coaching the 12 days of xmas and I obviously need to learn how to manage the class time better. I appreciate you all waking up super duper early to come hang out and wod! Yes, it took a little long to set up, warm up and wod but it's done and over with and you can enjoy xmas cookies and an adult beverage.

I take full responsibility.

It's Christmas, so let's all enjoy the holiday and spend it with friends and loved ones

Tidmore: I believe you completed 12
Dinger: played reindeer games
Kim G and Steve: played reindeer games

Happy Holidays!

Paul S said...

Hey Anonymous, nice post.

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 and Noon!!!

Megs & Dee Dee 26:11 sc
Ronnie & Fran 31:15 sc
Joe G x2 41:08 scale
C and R Anton 29:36 rx/scale
JZ and SZ 34:01 scale
Brittany, Steph C Joy 27:30 scale
Kathleen and Nicole 30:57 scale
Erika and Shannon 30:56 scale
Jess C 56:51 scale
King 57:23 scale
Chip :)
Mischa 51:20
David 56:30 pwr snatch
Christine 53:57 scale
Mel 41:57 Rx
Zach 52:00 scale
Rachel W 56:47 scale
Rich and Diane 31:37 scale
Keith and Jessie 20:19 rx
Aimee and Cate 19:33 rx
Rachael and Shawna 31:48 scale
Justin and Olan 36:28 scale
Seshu 11 days 39:11
Dave 10 days 44:34
Kate C 43:27 Rx
John M 34:08 9 days
Mark C. 10 days 27:00

Travis said...

Hope you all have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fu$@&ng Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white a$$ down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of a$$holes this side of the nuthouse.