
Athlete of the Month

Congratulations Dana D!
Hometown: Trooper, PA

Current Location: Plymouth Meeting


Occupation: Hmmmm. That's a great question. I've been in sales and marketing my entire career and the last 10 years I've been in the insurance industry. I've been an underwriter for commercial business for the majority of the time I spent there. I recently left that company and am looking for my next opportunity.

College: University of Pittsburgh

How long have you been a CrossFitter? Someone once called me "Pre-bok." I started with Aimee in 2009 and left for a little to have 2 kids and came back about 2.5 years ago... so lets just say about 5 total

Did you ever play sports? When I was young I did a lot of gymnastics and as I got older I started getting serious about softball. I played ball starting with Tee Ball and made my way through High School. I wasn't playing Tee ball that whole time, maybe half that time. I dabbled in basketball. When I say dabbled, I mean I was good enough to make the team every year, but kept the bench nice and cozy for when the starters need to catch their breath.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? CrossFit!!! That's my hobby. I would wod for 3 hours a day if I could. I have 2 little girls, Anna and Sara so I guess you could say whatever they want to do is my hobby too. I also like to drink Pino Noir... after Anna and Sara's hobbies are done for the day.

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit in the 2016 year? This year at CrossFit has been amazing for me. I've started to increase my weights on pretty much all of the wods, and being able to RX a lot of the work is a huge accomplishment for me. I got a bar muscle up this year, pistols, I've learned the J hook proficiently and I'm so excited to have gotten my Level 1 Certificate!!!

What do you feel that you still need to work on? Everything. Seriously. Everything. Double unders crush my existence, I'd like to keep working on my form in all Olympic lifts and I need to work on squatting on heavy lifts. I have such a hard time bending my legs. It's so weird.

Goals for the rest of this year? I need to get up on that board for something!!!!

What's your favorite WOD?
 Fight Gone Bad

How about your favorite food/snacks? Pizza is hands down #1, cheese and crackers, Chips and french onion dip and I'm obsessed with hummus.

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? I'm not cool outside of here. Some would say I'm not cool inside of here, but CrossFit is my jam. I did bootcamp on the beach which was ok but I got way too sandy. Sweat and sand don't mix in my book. Nothing compares to being at KOP for me. The people, the music (Rap) the energy... feeling like your gonna die, but you know you're not and you have to finish the wod to try and beat Pam... but you never do... but you keep trying. The struggle is real.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Strength Days. I'm a metcon junkie, but I've been working on strength a lot more this year than I ever have before and I know in the long run will make me a better overall.

Favorite lift/movement? Pull ups

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Overhead Squats. First you gotta get the bar up there somehow, then the movement hasn't even started yet, then you gotta squat all the way below parallel holding this bar that is so heavy, your wrists kill and you gotta stand back up again! multiple times!! I also hate wallballs. I might hate wallballs more than overhead squats...

What skill are you planning on working on as the new year 2017 comes? I need to get back to the basics. I've gotten a lot better on my gymnastic skills which I know has helped me. I want to work on things that I don't like because I know that will make me better.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Chalk What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? I've seen such a change in my body and overall health. I'm probably jinxing myself, but I feel like I rarely get sick and I have more energy overall. I'm healthier now than I've been my entire life, even before having kids and I want to show my girls that you can find time to be healthy, work full time, be a mom and have friends. You can do it all. You just have to want to.

Who is your favorite coach? My favorite??? It's impossible. How could I choose? Between Gordy's T claps and pogo jumps, Rachael's warmups that should be considered a WOD, the day Jenna almost killed me in competitors class when it was just me and her, Steph's eye for heavy lifting, Clayday, Jason strolls in last week and hooked me up with my split jerk, the way Keith can corral a huge class after he just finished the wod himself and still pay very particular attention to every individual, TP at 6 am all happy to be awake and alive and wants to make everyone run for miles and miles before AND after the WOD, Jill's contagious laugh, I love how Manisha is there every day... like every day and LP thanks for getting me a PR on my Overheads!! Giulz is my girl... always has been my rock and biggest fan plus she's kinda funny and I love her 99% of the time and of course this wouldn't all be possible without Aimee. Aimee you have such an amazing talent and make this place awesome!! Every single coach at KOP has helped and inspired me along the way. I feel truly lucky to be a part of such an amazing community that I can call friends. Thank you so much for choosing me this month. I feel so lucky!!!

 PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?.. Nah :-)


Anonymous said...

Yes, DD!!! Very well deserved, proud to call you my friend. . .looking forward to many more years of friendship, and of me occasionally beating you in WOD's. Love you mean it.

Samson said...

Congrats and well deserved DD!!!

Knew we were cool when we realized we were both Pitt alums. Been a fan ever since :)

AK47 said...

Congratulations DD, so well deserved! Keep trying to beat Pam and I'll keep trying to beat you! ;)