
W.O.D. 9.8.21

Build to a heavy 2 RM Deadlift

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
12/15 Calories Air Bike
12 Deadlifts (@60% of your 2 RM)

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.


Aimee Lyons said...

Mary 195/ 3 rx
Gordy 34 / 3+7 rx
Dana H 265 / 3+5 rx
Jill H 235/ 3 rx
Jackie 265/ 3 rx

6:00 AM
Subhan 345 2 + 15 ski/GHD
Mark :) 4
Jamie 315/ 2 + 21 rx
Mike Melendez 425 3 +15 rx
Mike S 235 3 row
Hannah 305 4 + 16 rx
Sean F 425 3 + 20 rx
Elizabeth 275 4 + 7 rx
Aashish 365 4 + 1 row
Brian S 375 3 + 23 rx
Julia :) 4 + 15 runner KBS 26#
Caleb 255 4 rx
Kate C 240 Pr!! 3 C2bike
Cate K 205 3 +8 rx
Aimee 240 3 + 3 rx
Greg A 295 3 + 15 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Jess D 175 PR! 3 rx
Meredith 280 PR 2 +18 rx
Taylor 425 3 + 15 rx
Ben B 365 2 + 14 rx
Jess A 220 3 + 7 rx
Rich A 475 2 + 15 rx
Will M 375 PR! 3 + 4
Geoff 375

Jason Lyons said...

Samson: 375#, 3+7
Kevin H: 455#, 3+10
Alex T: 315#, 3+9 C2
MF Renee: 175#, 3+10
GF: 225#, 3+7
Natalie (no H): 245#, 3+5
Mike Mit: 315#, 3
Megs: 205#, 3+20 C2
DD: 210#, 3+7
Isaiah: 385#, 3
Marissa: 275#, 3+3
Olan: 385#, 3

CFKOP iPad said...

Jonathan - 405 2+15 rx
Gia 225 PR 2+12 115#
Alex bra 155 pr 3 Rx
Danielle c 210 pr 3+7 Rx
Seth 315 2+11 Rx
Mak 295 pr 3+12 Rx
Meg o 250 3+12 Rx
Matt bo 405 3 Rx