
W.O.D. 9.15.21

For time:
21 Body Weight Back Squats
7 Rope Climbs (15ft)
15 Body Weight Back Squats
5 Rope Climbs (15ft)
9 Body Weight Back Squats
3 Rope Climbs (15ft)

“Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.” 
– Vince Lombardi


Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 10:32 (5/3/1 rope climbs)
Emily 11:30 (4/3/2 rope climbs) 105#
Dana H 14:06 rx
Jill H 12:41 115#/ 3-2-1 rope climbs
Ina 13:07 85# 5/3/1 10 ft ropes

6:00 AM for Keith
Sean F 7:50 rx + 225
Mike Mel 12:13 rx floor/high ropes
Julia 8:38 box strict band 105#
Hannah 13:03 rx
Cate K 14:29 95 # floor
Kate C 13:44 155 5/3/1 10ft
Mak 12:12 5/3/2 ropes
Aimee 10:33 rx
Elizabeth 11:30 rx
Aashish :)
Ben M. 13:38 145#/ 5/4/3
Subhan 11:52 135# floor
Brian S 12:56 12'
Mark S 12:52 rx
Jamie 12:15 rx

Taylor W said...

Jess A 10 ft+ pulls 95 to 17in box
Meredith13:03/ 135#/10 ft
Pam G 10:56 RX
Jessie 12:08 115#(3-2-1climbs)
Rich A 9:50 Rx
Sam B 8:07 3 pulls 275#
Denise C 14:27 RX
Pete 17:11 (1/2 rope) RX+
Geoff 11:41 towel pulls 11-9-6

CFKOP iPad said...

Kristen 13:10 115# 10 ft + pulls
KevinH 9:27 Rx
Donna 13:38 110#
Alex 13:45 155# 5-3-2 combs
Marissa 16:03 Rx
May 11:08 85# safety bar pulls
Karen 16:10 155# Rx
Fr Greek 16:26 Rx
Mike mit 13:50 155#

May 8:56 65# pulls
Meg o 11:08 Rx
Tommy 12 195# 10 ft
Gia 10:58 100# 3-2-1
Danielle 12:31 115# 5-3-1

CFKOP iPad said...

Jonathan 11:58 Rx
Sandeep 11:34 115 pulls
Jess 8:03 105# pulls
Steph 11:15 70# 5-3-1
Missy 11:31 90# 10 ft 4-3-1
Ben 10:18 Ben stuff
Greg 13:53 rx