
W.O.D. 12.4.19

Split Jerk

Kettlebell Swing (35/53#)
2-fer Wallball (14/20ft)
L-Sit Hold (seconds)

(time cap 10:00 minutes)

Advent Day 4:
Max weight on Split Jerk (M/F)

 Community Notes:
  CLICK HERE to find out more about about our Holiday Party (Festivus) this Friday, December 6th!
  CLICK HERE to learn how to DONATE a gift for our "adopt a family" holiday drive.

"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them." 
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Jenna said...

Jamie 155/ 10:30 tuck
Tola 83/ =) welcome!
Mike Mel 225 Pr/ 9:10 rx
Jeremy 155/ 9:50 rx
Laura s 125/ 8:35 (6#, rus, tuck)
Manisha 95/ 10:17 (8, tuck)
Kevin b 175/ 9:20 (14)
Mike s 135/ 11:01 (35,6)
Ben m 145
Colin 185/ 9:27 (35,14)

Mike p 225/ 10:30 tuck
Anson 135/ 10:55 (35,14)
Larissa 85/ 10:55 (8)
Jeff 195/ 10:18 (45,10)

Anna 95/ 11:08 (6, tuck)
Ben b 175/ 11:10 (14, tuck)

CFKOP iPad said...


Jackie H. 155#,10:35,10#,tuck
Mary H. 140# pr!11:07,10#,tuck
Shawn W. 165#,10:53
Karen S. 63#,10:25,26#,10#,tuck
Emily G. 105# pr!,11:10,1 leg
Ina S. 55#,10:00,reg wb,tuck

Gordy said...

12:15 EXP

Rich A. 235,10:05
Kevin H. 225, 9:50,reg WB
Pam G. 145,9:10, 10#
Bridget 145, 9:25 10#
Olan 215, 10:45
Pete D. 😀 10:23,Russian,tuck
Subhan 205#,9:42,35#,reg WB,tuck
Matt T. 150#, 10:13,10#

Gordy 187#

Stephanie Vincent said...

Mike M 135 9:50 14wb 44 tuck
alex t 135 11:03 14 45 tuck
marco 225 9:33rx
roberto 185 7:44 14wb tuck
raj 210 PR (2nd bored) 10:55sc
josh 242 PR! 13:15 rx (No cap)
Keith 264 10:50 (no cap)
jill h 120 10:33 6rom/tuck
sydney 150PR 10:50 6/tuck

Stephanie Vincent said...

katie 75 10:15 8wb/20 tuck
braden r 215 10:17rx
joe s 10:05rx
sive 135 10:18 14 35 tuck
natalie 145 10:15rx
samson 165 10:00 14
colleen 165PR 9:00 10# plank
Matt w 205 10:23 14
Mike C 155 8:50 wb/44
Farrah 10:23 10WB/18/Box
matt B 225PR 10:2514/tuck
Randy ??

CFKOP iPad said...

Jeff p: 130kg
Josh s:265 pr 11:04 Rx
Laura S: 50 10:18
Steph M: 120 pr 10:30 10lb
Gia: 115 pr 10:18
Sarah j: 140pr 10:54
Mike Ro 185 9:45 rr 16 tuck
Fabulous: 161 kg 355 pr

Neil D: 205 11:05 tuck