
W.O.D. 7.9.14

Gymnastics Skill Focus:
Bar Muscle Up

For time:
5 Squat cleans 185/125
10 Box jump 24/20"
4 Squat cleans 185/125
10 Box jumps 24/20"
3 Squat cleans 185/125
10 Box jumps 24/20"
2 Squat cleans 185/125
10 Box jumps 24/20"
1 Squat clean 185/125
10 Box jumps 24/20"

"You can’t fall if you don’t climb. But there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground." –Unknown


Aimee Lyons said...

Check out Nick S's event and message...I hope a few KoP'ers can attend!

"I have this event every year called a yard pong tournament. The tournament is run by me along with my fiancee and a few of our friends from my house. This our 4th year doing it."

Since 2011, we have raised over $3,000 in charitable donations In 2012 and 2013, we had raised money for Special Olympics USA Games (which took place last week) as the charity cause. We raised $2,500 in the two years combined and, as a result, my fiancee and I were able to attend the games last week for the donation we submitted.

Going forward starting with this year, we are shifting gears and raising money for St. Jude Children's Hospital. It is a great event with family, friends, co-workers, etc. We had 20 teams in both 2012 and 2013 and are trying to keep it going by spreading the word.

There is also a Facebook page for it:


Unknown said...

Thank you Aimee! I didn't include it in the post but the event is Saturday, July 19th. Even if you cannot be there the whole day but would like to stop by and hang out for a bit, we would be very glad to have you!

Unknown said...

How are you going to live your life today? Are you going to whine and complain, are you going to be carefree and fun loving? On a moment to moment basis we have the ability to choose how we to choose what we want to do and how we feel about doing. The choice is yours to make!

Unknown said...

Justin 5:33 165#
Kim G 6:39 70#/step ups
Pete 5:57 165#
Billy 10:30 135#
John 6:42 145#
Nick C 8:04 165#

Mike P said...

A kitten dies each time you call it a "squat clean".

Anonymous said...

Check out whats coming next for the BBC....

Tim P said...

I will still have 530pm Regular track workout tomorrow night, but anyone wanting to race a fast and flat 5k, Bryn Mawr Running Co is holding summer series race #2 at 730pm, at South ardmore park.
There are about 40 spots left, sign up at 630-715pm a few of us will be there.

Anonymous said...

Giuls 8:26 @113
Marci 7:35 @45/17"

Mike T. said...

Mike T. (home gym) 5:07 Rx

Paul S said...

Lizzie 6:21 #55/17
Alison K. 9:28 RX
Barb 7:35 SC
Steph C. 8:17 #65
Becca 7:47 #35
Mark C. 7:08 #155
Zelda 8:50 #65
Jackie 7:53 #95/17
Diane 10:52 RX
LP 4:49 #73 (1st Wod Post Baby)
Kara 7:10 #85/20su

Lots of people going with a smaller box and jumping, rather than doing step ups. Good work to everyone today. Welcome back LP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Laura Pappas said...

Thanks Paul. We will see how I feel tomorrow, one thing is for sure I think the weights got heavier while I was away :)

Unknown said...

Alex 9:36, 135#
Jon 7:45, 115#

Josh 7:23, 135#
Audrey 7:15, 65#
Matt H 7:23, 100#
Ryan 6:37, 135#
Shawna 8:46, 75#
Alona 7:18, 85#
Jill 7:14, 95#
Jen 6:52, 53#
Kelly 7:20, 73#


Melanie said...

5:38, 85#, garage WOD

Unknown said...


Erika ??
Jeff B 6;25 RX
Jon P 7:12 RX
Conn 6:58 155#
Kirill 8:03 135#
Marni 6:15 53#
Rachel 6;20 115#


Matt e 8:50 135#
Sue 6:33 45#
Jess Ssss 5;08 73#
Linda 7:23 55#