
W.O.D. 3.8.12

Happy Anniversary Jason !!!

3 Rounds for time of:
Tire Sled Pull (95/135#) (length of the gym - about 50 feet)
20 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)

Muscle Up

Heart Surgeon Speaks Out on What Really Causes Heart Disease

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice your gift."

Roni 7:20
Elyse 8:42
Heather 9:27
John S 4:31
Rebecca 7:10
Paul 6:26
Reed 9:32 35kb
Jay E 6:32 Rx
LP 10:50 Rx
Oleg 8:56 Rx
Nicole S 12:16 Rx
Chip 7:35 Rx
Meg B 13:49 70#
Lauren M 10:08 60#
Byrnsie 6:40 rx
Stasie 12:30 25/18#
Dan L. 7:49 Rx (pukie)
Kim C 10:15 (70/35#)
Robin 6:34 (55/26)
Russell 11:14 (105/45)
Susan 8:31 (70/35#)
Jim C. 8:11 (105/45)
Breanna 8:16 (60/25#)
Sharon DNF
Rachael 10:00 (60/35#)
Becky 11:45 (90/35#)
Olan 10:35 Rx
Tim M 6:30 105/55
Paul S - 6:19 (90/55)#
Nate M - 8:34(90/44)#
Melissa S - 7:00(25/18)#
Aimee - 10:01 (80/35)#
Jen Sch - 8:39 (45/35)#
Kelly - 6:00
Diego - 8:17(70/45)#
Allison - 5:42(90/35)#
Arin - 9:39(45/35)#
Travis - 6:28(90/55)#
KSB - 8:21(45/35)#

Dan L = Pukie!
Sledding in the Spring!


Byrnsey said...

Happy Anniversary Lyons....

Nice Rainbow! Is that a Bear chained to the post.......

Mike P said...

Happy Annivesary!!!!!

Joy N said...

Happy Anniversary!

Mike T. said...

Byrnsey- That's the Wolverine chained up.

donkey said...

Happy anniversary, you two lovebirds!

Paul S said...

Happy Anniversary! Wish you guys the best.

Sooki said...

I love that pic!!!! Have an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys got married!


Gina Spinelli said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Mike S said...

Aimee and Jason, happy anniversary!

Christine said...

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more years of happiness.

Danny said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!

"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine nor a garden without love"- Chinese Proverb

Jason Lyons said...

First and most importantly, thank you Aimee for everything, I love you. Our road my not always be straight and paved but together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Secondly, for those doing the workout today and those judging it, please review the standards video. You must show control ON TOP OF THE box before jumping off. You CANNOT open your hips while jumping off. The barbell movement should be considered ground to overhead...you can get it there anyway EXCEPT from behind the head. Full lock out is of course a must. For the T2B, your shoe is now your toe and both shoes must be in contact with the bar.

Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I love that picture!!

Chris P. said...

I think it's a honey badger...

happy anniversary!

blog post on 12.3 coming...

Mike T. said...

Jason, what time is 12.3 being done today?

Aimee Lyons said...

Thanks for the anniversary wishes...

Yes, the honey badger! hahaha!

We are running 12.3 on Saturday, just like last week. There are a few people traveling this weekend, so I know they were going to try to get it in at 5:30PM tonight. There is not a coordinated 12.3 workout running tonight.

Danny - I'm so happy for the Proverb...made my day! LOL


King said...

Jason and Aimee,

Happy Anniversary.....I do not know any clean proverbs so I will leave it at that!

Denise said...

Happy Anniversary Aimee and Jason! I hope you guys have an awesome day and wishing you many more great years to come :)

Lindsey said...

Happy Anniversary, you lovebirds!

Tim P said...


Roni 7:20
Elyse 8:42
Heather 9:27
John S 4:31
Rebecca 7:10
Paul 6:26
Reed 9:32 35kb
*The 6am actually got a huge break and pulled the sled upside down. I was running a fundamental session so im sorry I did not see this as you did you workout. I'd say add about 3-4 min to your time to be accurate.

7am is accurate and did the tire flush with the floor mats:
Jay E 6:32 Rx
LP 10:50 Rx
Oleg 8:56 Rx
Nicole S 12:16 Rx
Chip 7:35 Rx
Meg B 13:49 70#
Lauren M 10:08 60#

Patti said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy this beautiful day together!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary from me as well!!

Megs said...

Happy Anniversary you two!

Drew said...

Happy Anniversary!

And I think that's the cow from the cow share chained up.

Lisa A said...

Happy Anniversary....have a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

happy anniversay!! So glad to know both of you :-) you balance each other out beautifully! Can you imagine two jasons together? oh my.

jas- Shoulder to overhead not GTO. you confused me i thought...more snatches!

steph said...

amazing photo! happy anniversary!! :)

Peter O said...

Happy Anniversary Aimee and Jason.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!

JZuck said...

Happy Anniversary Aimee & Jason!!

Howard said...

Happy Anniversary Aimee and Jason! Hope you enjoyed your special day.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! You guys rule :)

donkey said...

Tall Dan did a pukie? magnificent.

Vinny said...

Paul S - 6:19 (90/55)#
Nate M - 8:34(90/44)#
Melissa S - 7:00(25/18)#
Aimee - 10:01 (80/35)#
Jen Sch - 8:39 (45/35)#
Kelly - 6:00
Diego - 8:17(70/45)#
Allison - 5:42(90/35)#
Arin - 9:39(45/35)#
Travis - 6:28(90/55)#
KSB - 8:21(45/35)#

Nice looking sled pulls today everyone...wish I had a chance to do this WOD...