
W.O.D. 3.27.12

Before and After...Mike P- at the Nooner!

The CFKoP Dirty Thirty
30 Box Jumps (20"/24")
30 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (25#/45#)
30 Dumbbell Push Press (25#/45#)
30 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
30 Push-Ups
30 Sit Ups
30 Wallballs (14#/20# to 9ft/10ft)
30 Double Unders
30 Burpees

Happy Birthday Keith - ps. Keith is 30 today!

"A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion."
-Ancient Chinese Proverb


Alison 13:37 RX
Lauren 28:44 RX (1st!)
Paul NC 12:45 ?
Bob 23:00 SU
Jay E. 20:38 Rx+ 70
Tidmore 15:59 35/SU
KT 13:45 Rx+24/53
Rebecca 17:42 21/20/knees
Reed 25:58 21/40/45
Gina 19:09 15/DUA
Pat 24:01 30/DUA
Drew 25:29 RX
Paul F 23:09 20
John C: 12:42 Rx
Jen S: 14:33 Rx
Kim C: 20:03 (20#DB)
Lisa A: 21:16 (13", 15DB, 10# WB, SU)
Anja: 17:22 (17", 12DB, 26KB, 10#WB, SU)
Tori: 19:23 (15/12 db, 18 KB, 8WB, SU) (but BEAT JAY)
Jonathan: 16:37 (21", 25#DB, 26KB, SU)
Mike W: 18:15 (25DB, 35 KB)
Megs: 15:48 Rx
"Typhoid Mary" Brynsie: 14:35 Rx
Petrizzo: 17:24Rx
McKeever: 12:32 Rx+ (GHD)
J-Na 23:05 scale
Shirtless Shoeless 18:36 (35#)
Paul 18:37 (70# kb)
Randy 22:07 (25#/45#)
Matt O. 30:52 Rx
Akeem 19:16 (scale/25#)
Denise 19:19 Rx
Faby 16:52 Rx + GHD
Dan F. 18:00 (1/2 reps/scale)
Danny 12:32 Rx + 75# KB
Chris A. 19:48 scale
Sam 13:29 Rx
Melissa 23:18 (20#)
Plentus 14:59 RX + GHD/70# KB
Steph E. 18:21 scale
Jess C. 19:13 Rx
Charles 22:21 scale
Rachael 20:31 Rx
Matt G 28:44 Rx
Linda 19:06 scale
Leslie 18:49 scale
Darlene 16:50 scale
Brittany 16:10 scale
Libby 11:58 20 reps/scale
Kathy 17:36 20 reps/scale
Mark 17:56 scale
Luke 22:32 scale
Patrick 15:57 scale
Ben 16:59 scale
Bre 18:35 scale
Miranda Rx?
Mel 16:43 Rx
Josh F 14:30 scale
Joe P 18:40 scale
Jim C 16:39 scale
Stacy 17:54 scale
Lizzie 16:15 scale
Shawn 17:22 Rx?
David from Pitt 14:52 Rx+
Erika 17:13 scale
Rachel 21:30 scale
Josh S 15:49 Rx
Vinny 13:30 Rx+ 70#
Jason: 17:32 (GHD)
Jaime: 24:33 (scale)
Gabe: 14:48 Rx
Chris S: 19:12 (scale)
Travis: 21:09 (scale)
Dan L: 15:41 Rx
Justin R: 24:03 (scale)
Ph: 16:22 (scale)
JZ: 17:47 (scale)
Joe C: 19:34 (scale)
Nathan: 22:09 (scale)
Jen Sch: 17:35 (scale)
Jen P: 17:33 (scale) (1st class)
Amy D: 16:17 (scale)
Russell: 22:40 (scale)
WW: 18:28 (scale)
Robin: 18:47 (scale)
Jeff: 17:37 (scale)
Steve Z: 17:57 (scale)
Kate K: 16:34 Rx
Ali: 16:10 (scale)
Peterson: 15:53 Rx
Kelly: 20:38 (scale)
King: 17:27 (scale)
John Scha: 17:18 GHD
Lisa: 18:50 (scale)


Travis said...

Happy Birthday Keith- even a nice little workout for your 30th.

Paul S said...

Happy Birthday Keith, better get the best time of the day.

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday Keith!!!

Jason Lyons said...

Quick team update. After 5PM today, it will be official on whether or not our team makes it to Regionals. If we do, a team will need to be named. IF this needs to be done within 10 days (similar to how a person must determine individual) we will not be able to have try-outs for the top 6 as some are not around and thus we will do EXACTLY what we did last year and take the top 3 men and women as listed on the games website...the alternate will be the 4th man and woman. IF we do not have to name a team within ten days, we will schedule a time where lasts years workouts can be completed to see who will represent us. Please direct questions to me.

Anticipated FAQ

1) When will we know...ANS: When we all do
2) Why games ranking and not gym ranking...ANS: The games ranking represents a larger pool and therefore has more statistical relevance and it is actually comparing you against who you will be competing against.
3) What about the other spreadhseet that was posted...ANS: I have no idea who made it nor do I know its accuracy so we will go with what we did last year.

Byrnsey said...

Happy Birthday K-Hole......

Have a great day....

steph v. said...

6am Does Dirty
Alison 13:37 RX
Lauren 28:44 RX (1st!)
Paul NC 12:45 ?
Bob 23:00 SU
Jay E. 20:38 Rx+ 70
Tidmore 15:59 35/SU
KT 13:45 Rx+24/53
Rebecca 17:42 21/20/knees
Reed 25:58 21/40/45
Gina 19:09 15/DUA
Pat 24:01 30/DUA
Drew 25:29 RX
Paul F 23:09 20

Melanie said...

Happy birthday Keith. Hope you enjoy the Dirty 30 as well as some really bad beer, I mean some cold Bud Light today!

Denise said...

Happy Birthday Keith! Enjoy your day!

Chris P. said...

Keith Car-bomb-bar,
Happy birthday dude! You've come a long way and your athletic prowess (and masterful front flips) will allow you to go even further. Go buy yourself a nice watch.

Chris P. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
donkey said...

Happy birthday, Bombar! Enjoy your day!

930 Dirrrrrrrrrrrty 30s (Rx movement unless otherwise indicated)

John C: 12:42 Rx
Jen S: 14:33 Rx
Kim C: 20:03 (20#DB)
Lisa A: 21:16 (13", 15DB, 10# WB, SU)
Anja: 17:22 (17", 12DB, 26KB, 10#WB, SU)
Tori: 19:23 (15/12 db, 18 KB, 8WB, SU) (but BEAT JAY)
Jonathan: 16:37 (21", 25#DB, 26KB, SU)
Mike W: 18:15 (25DB, 35 KB)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Keith! You're awesome!

I'm going to start beating you since beating Olan is getting kinda boring.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!


steph said...

wish i could make this wod today!

happy birthday keith!

Megs said...

Happy Birthday, Keith! Enjoy all the Bud Lite and Reese's Cups your heart desires!!

donkey said...

Nooner Sick Bay:

Megs: 15:48 Rx
"Typhoid Mary" Brynsie: 14:35 Rx
Petrizzo: 17:24Rx
McKeever: 12:32 Rx+ (GHD)

Nicely done, nooner peeps!

Mike P said...

Happy Birthday Keith!!!

Chris P. said...

Jas, 5pm PST, meaning 8pm our time

Anonymous said...

Special thanks to the 6am'ers for helping me push through the Dirty Thirty in achieving my 1st RX workout!

Lauren M

Anonymous said...

It was a special day Lauren...never have seen you quite like you looked today post workout!! You're way stronger than you give yourself credit for!!!


Olan said...

Happy Birthday Keith!

Dorothy, bring it!

Chris P. said...

it's official, KoP made it to Regionals as a team!

King said...

Congrats to KOP on making the regionals - you guys kicked ass! Now go make us proud....as you always do! Hold a spot for me next year :)

Jason Lyons said...

People of 4:30....I know I am the best coach and there are lines to get in my class but PLEASE sign up before class. My new rule is if you do not sign up, you will be running an 800 instead of a 400. If you are having trouble signing up (Jen and WW), please talk to Donkey or Jen S.

11 out of 25 signed up for classes. That is NOT good. Epic fail!

Anonymous said...

Making the whole class do 5 burpees for every person that's not signed up might be more effective in motivating people ;)

Melanie said...

6:30 class

J-Na 23:05 scale
Shirtless Shoeless 18:36 (35#)
Paul 18:37 (70# kb)
Randy 22:07 (25#/45#)
Matt O. 30:52 Rx
Akeem 19:16 (scale/25#)
Denise 19:19 Rx
Faby 16:52 Rx + GHD
Dan F. 18:00 (1/2 reps/scale)
Danny 12:32 Rx + 75# KB
Chris A. 19:48 scale
Sam 13:29 Rx
Melissa 23:18 (20#)
Plentus 14:59 RX + GHD/70# KB
Steph E. 18:21 scale
Jess C. 19:13 Rx
Charles 22:21 scale
Rachael 20:31 Rx
Matt G 28:44 Rx

Great job chipping away tonight on this one! Congrats to Matt G on his first Rx!!!! Woot!!!!

Please don't forget to sign up on MindBody for all classes!!!! Go to the blog and click the link on the right side. If you have questions on MindBody, please direct them to one of the coaches.

7:30 class

Linda 19:06 scale
Leslie 18:49 scale
Darlene 16:50 scale
Brittany 16:10 scale
Libby 11:58 20 reps/scale
Kathy 17:36 20 reps/scale

Great work tonight in the 7:30 class. Way to push yourselves!

Congratulations to Team KOP for making it to REGIONALS!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Charles said...

25#/14#, for future reference.

Chris P. said...

5:30 Chippers

Mark 17:56 scale
Luke 22:32 scale
Patrick 15:57 scale
Ben 16:59 scale
Bre 18:35 scale
Miranda Rx?
Mel 16:43 Rx
Josh F 14:30 scale
Joe P 18:40 scale
Jim C 16:39 scale
Stacy 17:54 scale
Lizzie 16:15 scale
Shawn 17:22 Rx?
David from Pitt 14:52 Rx+
Erika 17:13 scale
Rachel 21:30 scale
Josh S 15:49 Rx
Vinny 13:30 Rx+ 70#

Miranda said...

Happy Birthday Keith!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day!!

Keith B said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Keith

Peterson said...

For mental reference I didn't do RX on this puppy. Scaled to 35# DBs.

Peterson said...

For mental reference I didn't do RX on this puppy. Scaled to 35# DBs.