W.O.D 4.3.09
5 rounds for max reps of:
Body Weight Back Squat
Weighted Push-ups (Ladies 10#/Gentleman45#)
Final score is the total reps of all 5 rounds for each exercise.
"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."
-Anna Quindlen
Joe A: 130
Jen: 115
Jill: 123
Nicole: 115
Doreen: 145
Cindy: 107
Lisa: 136
Bob: 81
Jim C: 90
Jeff: 86
Sam: 179
Mike M: 139
Scott: 124
Jon: 97
Paul: 161
Jen: 127
Hannah: 83
Jason L: 107
Laura: 146
Jason W: 234
Tim M: 99
Chris: 109
aimee, where did you get that wonderful quote? Niceeee!
so for as many as you can weighted pushups, does form count....
Form always counts :-)
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