

For time:
30 Overhead Squats (75/115#)
15 Ring Muscle Ups
20 Overhead Squats  (75/115#)
15 Bar Muscle Ups
10 Overhead Squats  (75/115#)
50 GHD Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Saturday 9 AM CrossFit Class, Sunday 9 AM Cardio Class and 10:15 Strength Class will be held at the Lyons Den, 555 w Beidler Rd. KoP. 

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle


MaKayla said...

Subhan 11:28 Scaled :)
Brian 13:32 Transitions
Kevin B 13:01 JRMU, JBMU, Front Squat
Bearden 15:02 Transitions, 65#

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM - all Ring MU Transitions

Jill H 15:50 45#/ JBMU
Jackie H 14:17 65#/ JMU/ hips to bar + band
Katie F 11:27 35#
Em G 11:48 65# JMU/ some hips
Alex Brom 12:28 safety squat 95#/ 15 cals C2 bike/ 15 RR
Steph C 10:51 45# (band hips to bar/ trans)
Liz H 11:36 35# snatch grip PP/ box hips to bar

Aimee Lyons said...

Nooner -
Welcome Bryant and Cathrine , thanks for dropping in from Colorado!

Dana H 20:40 rx
Evan Z 17:37 65#/5 BMU/ 30 GHD/ 2 Ring MU
Bryant 19:42 rx
Catherine 12:57 55/ trans/C2B/ Situp
Taylor 20:04 10 Ring MU/ 9 BMU
Pete D 20:17 all Ring MU
Rich A 17:19 rx
Freaky G 15:08 1/2 bar MU, hips to rings
Pam G 10:54 8 BMU/ 55#/ hips to rings
The Natalie 12:54 hips to R & B
Jordan S 14:30 35# /trans/ Pullups
Greg A 17:55 rx
Remer 12:14 rx
Geoff 9:50 C2B/ PU/25# DB

Taylor W said...

Will 13:29 sc
Alex TU 17:36 65 c2b
Erika 16:44 sc
Edwin 11:52 box dip hips to bar 65
Jeff 11:42 rx
Erin 15:25 rx
Julia 14:56 10 BMu attempts 10 hips to rings 20 GHD 30 situps
Meg 19:51 rx
May 12:02 sc
Karen 12:35 sc

Taylor W said...

Kate c 11:32 transtions hips
Newcomer 20:17 65 hips JBMU
Baez 20:47 rx
Lil D 14:33 55 hips
Shannon 13:23 55 transitions
Kpop 19:04 JMU transitions 55
Seth 14:04 95 hips situps