4:30 Mae KB to 20" Karen 175 Mike Mit 145 Olan 205 Edwin 155 Jeff P 345 PR Erin 165 Meg O 170 Samson 245 Kyle 305 Remer 290 PR! Bella 145 Donna 145 Yes 145 Lenny 200 Ben 295 pr! Randy 185 Jerry 145
nooner Dana H 200 PR! 5 rx Carl B 265 PR 6 rx Pam G 185 5 + 11 rx Dana D 145 5 rx Meg D 135 5 55# Jess A 115 3 death march / goblet 35# Trevor 205 4+1 65# Meredith 180 PR 4 + 1 death march Dave H 245 4 + 11 rx Rich a 335 3 + 11 rx Matty Bo 245 3+ 11 rx Geoff 245 5 + 11 scaled
6 am Laura 115 4 + 20 ft 45# Shannon 115 4 45# Mak 100 5 + 4 fs 55# Elizabeth 195 6 + 20 ft rx Hannah :) Mark S 225 5 front rack + PU Kate 165 3 + 8 FS / rx Subhan 265 5 rx Julia 165 4 + 10 ft rx
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.
aimee 165
Cate 143
ABO 175 5 55# WW ROM
Jackie 195 17"box 4+12 feet 25 db death march 65# tp bpx
Gorday 210 4+5 65#
Mary 5+ 9 PVC Lunge air squat :30 plank hold
Erini 125 4+ 1 45# WW ROM
Mae KB to 20"
Karen 175
Mike Mit 145
Olan 205
Edwin 155
Jeff P 345 PR
Erin 165
Meg O 170
Samson 245
Kyle 305
Remer 290 PR!
Bella 145
Donna 145
Yes 145
Lenny 200
Ben 295 pr!
Randy 185
Jerry 145
partner cash out
1 wallwalk
plate carry
OH plate lunge
AMRAP in 8
10 front Squats
Lunge 32 ft
2 wall walks
Kathy 105 PR 3 + 10
Evan 165 PR! 4 + 10
Regina 85 PR! 3+12
Terry 80 4
Ina 90 3 (scaled)
Lee 85# 3+12
Dana H 200 PR! 5 rx
Carl B 265 PR 6 rx
Pam G 185 5 + 11 rx
Dana D 145 5 rx
Meg D 135 5 55#
Jess A 115 3 death march / goblet 35#
Trevor 205 4+1 65#
Meredith 180 PR 4 + 1 death march
Dave H 245 4 + 11 rx
Rich a 335 3 + 11 rx
Matty Bo 245 3+ 11 rx
Geoff 245 5 + 11 scaled
Remer 5 + 30 rx
Ryan S 4 + 25 rx
6 am
Laura 115 4 + 20 ft 45#
Shannon 115 4 45#
Mak 100 5 + 4 fs 55#
Elizabeth 195 6 + 20 ft rx
Hannah :)
Mark S 225 5 front rack + PU
Kate 165 3 + 8 FS / rx
Subhan 265 5 rx
Julia 165 4 + 10 ft rx
Sean F. 365 8 RX
Seth 245 5 75#
Bratty 105 PR 3 35#
Matt 140 3 65#
Danielle G. 175 4+10 RX
Marissa 195 5 RX
Danielle C. 135 2+21 45#
Greg A. 243 (265 for 1) 4RX
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