
W.O.D. 9.6.17

CrossFit Total
1 RM on Back Squat, Press, Deadlift.

Your score will be the total weight of all three lifts.

Athletes will have ONLY 3 attempts to declare a 1 RM effort after they complete their warm-up sets. 

Click here to read the Journal article regarding CrossFit Total.

To sustain longevity, you have to evolve. 


Manisha said...

Alex P 123/68/173=364 PR!
Holly F 98/58/108=261 PR!
Theresa L 165/80/200=445PR!!
Mike Mc 285/45/325=715
Mike San 170/102.5/255=527.5
Kevin B 245/115/285=645 PR!!

Anonymous said...

Laura S 165/75/175=415
Ellie 180/90/230=500 (I'm pretty sure these are PRS!)
Ben M 225PR/105/235=565

Anna 155PR, 70PR,215PR=440
Dave B 240PR/115PR/335PR=690
Joe C 235/155/335 =735
RAJ 265/100PR/305P= 670

CFKOP iPad said...

9:30 AM

Jackie H. 200/100/265:565
Jill H. 180 pr/90 pr/245:515 pr
Karen S. 130/60/135:325
Mary H. 140/80/205:425 pr


CFKOP iPad said...

12:15 EXP

Mike S. 315/195/385:895
Karen M. 195 pr/85/265:545
Meredith H. 185 pr/85 pr/245 pr:515
Tim H. 315/135/385:835
Jonathan P. 365/150/335:850
Pete D. 255/125/300:680
Dana D. 185 pr/85/220 pr:490
Pam G. 210 pr/100/265:575
Kevin H. 325 pr/165 pr/435 pr:925 pr
Ben T. 295 pr/130/365:790
Rob C. 285/125/335:745
Katie M. 135/65/185 pr:380
Justin D. 235/135/305:675


Keith B said...


Jill A 260/100pr/245 605pr
Remer 310/135/365 810
Josh Mc 200/145/365 810
Mooney 315/165/370 850
Aileen 215/87.5pr/310pr 612.5
Jess A 155/80/235pr 470pr
Rich 385/170/445 1000
Carson 235/115/305 655
Duross 195/115/225 535


Alicia-Marie 135/90/245 490
Mark St 275/145/460pr 880
John Mc 275/115/315 705
Nicole M 175/80pr/205 460
Donna 165/75/215 455pr

Jenna said...

Danielle 210/90/230 PR!= 530
Caitlyn 135/60/175= 370 PR!
Twinnie 165/70/185= 420 PR!
Rachel 315PR/ 105/ 330PR!= 750
Bryan 215/1-5/255= 575
Erik 275/145/365= 785
Rob P 275/165/325= 775 PR!
Kris 210/90/260PR= 560
Erika 135/70/185= 390
Gia 135/75/175= 385
Esra 19070255= 515 PR!

Dave 335/145/405= 885 PR!
Neil 365 165/405= 935 PR!
Brian S 315/185/385= 885
Lucille 90/70/140 PR!= 300
Joe M 205/135/245= 585