
W.O.D. 9.1.17

For time:
10-1 reps
Deadlifts (135/205#)
(Between each set of Deadlifts complete 35 Double Unders)

Community Notes:
Our last CrossFit class will be at 5:30 PM today.
Open Strength will run from 4:30-6:00PM today.

Labor Day Weekend Classes:
Saturday and Sunday - 10 AM CrossFit, 10:00AM Open Strength
Labor Day- Monday - September 4th - 10 AM FREE Friends and Family CrossFit Workout, 10:00AM Open Strength.

“There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can’t go through life obsessing about what might have been.”
 - Hugh Jackman


CFKOP iPad said...

Mike San 18:12 175#
Theresa L 10:42 Rx
Holly F 11:28 105#/su/dua
May 11:40 115#/5 dua
Ellie 10:46 Rx

Angelo 9:07 Rx
Jeff B 13:14 185#

CFKOP iPad said...

Kate K 14:15 115#
Anna 15:40 125#/10 dua
Manisha 15:45 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Steph V 17:39 10 du
Mark C 15:25 185#
Jill H 18:09 rx
Sydney 22:39 95/25du/10du
Kevin H 10:25 165#
Nicole M 15:35 15 dua/ 115#
Michael R 15:24 165#
Meggan Le 20:01 15 DU
Katie M (in 20 minutes, to 5 reps) 105# 25 DU

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 BAC
Nicole R 13:58 95# DUA10
Carson 14:47 15 DU
Dana D 11:37 Rx
Tim H 14:04 10 DU
Lindsay 17:54 Rx
J. King 14:13 165#
Alice 14:03 35# 70 SU (welcome Alice, thanks for dropping in!)
Ashley C 15:56 53 KB 10 DUA
Gordy 13:12 185#
Terry 13:30 65# 70 singles
Joe M 13:45 155#
Kevin T 13:37 155#
Matt T 14:30 135# DUA10
Meredith H 13:23 15 DUA
Ben M 19:07 135# 15DUA
Rich A 8:52 Rx
Jess A 15:07 10 DUA
JP 9:34 Rx
Luis 14:18 165# singles/some Doubles
Sharon DNF

Anonymous said...

Marissa 11:58rx
Alona 12:53 Rx
Bryan 14:55 165/15du
Regi 11:38Rx
Justin C 7:54rx
Edwin 11:09rx
Steph M 15:04Rx]

Anonymous said...

Rob P 12:59 175/20dua
Joe T 14:40 25Du
Aileen 14:25 Rx+ (one handle!)
Alex Tu 19:48 70Su/75
Mooney 11:43 Rx
keith 9:30 5cal AssBike
Remer 11:10rx
matt E 15:12rx

Keith B said...


Alicia-Marie 16:14 Rx
Giuls 9:37 Rx
Adam 12:43 155
Borden 14:41 20dua
Erik 16:37 15 du
Ashley 9:51 Rx
Kat 13:24 95 10dua
Kris 13:56 10du
CLine 18:54 185

Cline said...
