Determination and a will to succeed inevitably lead to progress. This simply mantra is the epitome of Steve and his story is without question one of the most touching at KoP. If you have taken an Intro Session, it is very likely that you have heard part of Steve's story. CrossFit has given Steve a new lease on life. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to take things like walking up the stairs unassisted and getting out of our favorite chair for granted. For Steve, these things became WODs in their own right and he knew he needed to make a change. CrossFit is now a way of life for Steve and he can regularly be found in the morning classes working through the grueling WODs with people more than half his age. His passion and desire to improve his life so that he can enjoy his family are evident in his work ethic. Steve can now easily get up 5 floors of stairs with two suitcases, sit anywhere he wants to compliment a ton of other accomplishments in life and the gym He is an amazing athlete and an inspiration to us all.
Happy Birthday Steve Zipf!!!
W.O.D. 6.22.10
Snatch Balance
With 60% of your 2RM Snatch Balance complete the following for time:
W.O.D. 6.22.10
Snatch Balance
With 60% of your 2RM Snatch Balance complete the following for time:
50 KB Swings
10 Snatch Balance
40 KB Swings
8 Snatch Balance
30 KB Swings
6 Snatch Balance
20 KB Swings
4 Snatch Balance
10 KB Swings
2 Snatch Balance
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."
-Irish Proverb
Charlie Y 125/11:59
Sam D. 125/14:30
Jeff 85/ouchie
Cindy 45/17:32
Bevin 50/12:37
Steph E. 55/17:00
Doroty 90x1/15:54
Olan 75/17:00
Pukie 155/16:41
JZ 95/13:50
Jay S. 70/15:16
Brian U. 95/13:34
Tim G. 45/17:41
Holly 15/11:28
CC 63/13:29
Jay E. 95/9:36
Ellie 25/12:04
Seth 65?/14:57
Ken 33/13:03
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."
-Irish Proverb
Charlie Y 125/11:59
Sam D. 125/14:30
Jeff 85/ouchie
Cindy 45/17:32
Bevin 50/12:37
Steph E. 55/17:00
Doroty 90x1/15:54
Olan 75/17:00
Pukie 155/16:41
JZ 95/13:50
Jay S. 70/15:16
Brian U. 95/13:34
Tim G. 45/17:41
Holly 15/11:28
CC 63/13:29
Jay E. 95/9:36
Ellie 25/12:04
Seth 65?/14:57
Ken 33/13:03
Happy Birthday to one of my biggest inspirations and the key participant in one of my most unforgettable KoP memories. I'm so glad I didn't break you!!!
Steve, you are one of the good guys and I am so proud of all you have accomplished. Have a wonderful, wonderful day!
Happy birthday Steve.
I love when I get to the box in the mornings and you are there.
Have a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Sir. Knowing you has been an honor and a privilege. If someone has not spent at least 5 minutes talking to their life is not complete. Do not stop what you do and I can only hope to have the drive and determination you show every day when I reach that age.
"Non sibi sed patriae"
Happy Birthday Steve. I am also glad Cindy didn't break you that afternoon!!!! Lol Enjoy your day!!!
Happy Birthday Dad!
"too far...and too early...I don't want to go"
look at you! If you guys don't know, he's now biking to the box...apparently it wasn't far enough or early enough! I love you and am so PROUD of you. I love to brag about you. You've come a long way and you're still improving! Keep it up!
Paul, if the person escapes after only five minutes of chatting...we consider those people lucky, but you sure are right, no matter the topic or the person he will take the time to get to know you and bestow some sound advice.
Love you Dad. SF.
SZ- Keep it up, it's always an inspiration to many other crossfitters when you continue to improve and fight the fight. Happy Bday.
happy birthday, steve! i am definitely one of the people who heard about you before i met you...and when i finally did meet you, i never would have guessed you were the guy i heard about! you're an inspiration to all of us. a very happy birthday to you!
happy birthday steve. it is a pleasure to have met you and i enjoy helping you along your journey for a more fulfilling life. i tell your story in every intro class i teach because it is what crossfit is all about. it is one thing to watch a firebreather destroy a wod and i am in awe when i see it but for me, the true beauty in this program is that it helps extends life and you are a prime example. the courage it takes to walk into a room with people half your age and do what seems ridiculously intimidating to the uninitiated is unmatched. i wish more people that walked through the door had your strength. enjoy your day and get started on those burpees, i know how much you love them! lol.
Have a wonderful happy birthday, Steve. Eileen
Hi Steve- you are one cool dude! I always enjoy chatting with you and love working out with you. You are a true inspiration! I hope you have a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Steve! You are truly an inspiration, it has been a genuine pleasure to watch your progress, and a lot of fun to be in class with you. Have a fantastic day!
Happy Bday Steve! You are so amazing and such an inspiration! I miss you at the 6am...maybe I should come tomorrow... ;)
Happy Birthday Steve! I saw the determination you had a long time ago when we were partnered for a WOD. You are a wonderful person and inspiration. Keep up your incredible work!!
Steve you are an inspiration and living proof that Crossfit can be for anyone!! So glad to know you and btw your son is a class act..and that speaks volumes about you as well!!
First --- Thank you to everyone for your wonderful birthday messages on the blog. Your thoughts will definitely keep me motivated going forward. It's hard to believe my first year has gone by at the box! We all know every WOD is a challenge, but those challenges are made easier for me by the encouragement and friendship from each of you. I will always try to return that favor too. Inspired by Aimee's contagious spirit, we are all fortunate to have found the wonderful tangibles and the special intangibles of CrossFit at KOP. Best to all, Steve
Happy Birthday Steve! I think its awesome that you do this, and even more awesome that you can share it with your son too!
Also - Kelly Happy Belated birthday, I hope you had a great one!
Happy Birthday Steve! Keep up the good work; you are awesome!
Happy Birthday Steve! I hope it was a fabulous one. You deserve it.
Steve, you are a warrior who comes in and faces whatever WOD is thrown at him with humility and enthusiasm. Awesome stuff. Happy birthday!
@CrossFit Rising (www.http://crossfitrising.typepad.com) with Goat and PonyGirl
Front Squats
Steph V., PonyGirl says hi!
Happy Birthday Steve, I hope I get to meet you at some point...i'm one of those unlucky few.
Aimee: Seth 85lb was my 2rm
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