W.O.D. 12.28.09
Push Press
3 Rounds:
Push Press
3 Rounds:
Push Press, 10 reps at 70% of your 3RM
DB Step Up, 10R/10L (25#/45#)
Knees to Elbows, 10 reps
12.28 Class Times:
“People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas”
DB Step Up, 10R/10L (25#/45#)
Knees to Elbows, 10 reps
12.28 Class Times:
“People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas”
Strength component:
Evan - 155x3, 160x2
Cindy - 90x3, 95x1
Jeff - 155X3
Dorothy - 85X3, 90X2
Olan - 150X3
JZ - 115X3
Jerry - 175X3, 185X1
Charlie - 150X3
Rob - 165X3
Curin - 115X3, 125X1
Gunter - 105X2
Jim C - 195X3, 205X2
Joe D - 135X3
Jen S - 105X3
Miranda - 105X3, 115X2
C.C. - 90X3
Evan - 14:04 @ 110#/Rx
Cindy - 11:05 @ 63#/13"/25#
Jeff - 11:43 @ 110#/25"/35#
Dorothy - 12:15 @ 63#/Rx
Olan - 12:15 @ 105#/25"/26#
JZ - 11:32 @ 65#/25"/30#
Jerry - 10:44 @ 125#/25"/35#
Charlie - 14:04 @ 105#/25"/30#
Rob - 12:37 @ 115#/Rx
Curin - 11:45 @ 73#/Rx
Gunter - 10:14 @ 64#/25"/40#
Jim C - 12:37 @ 135#/Rx
Joe D - 12:36 @ 95#/21"/35#
Jen S - 11:37 @ 75#/Rx (26.5#)
Miranda - 9:49 @ 70#/Rx
C.C. - 10:08 @ 65#/16"/15#
Joe A - 100BJ/100DU/500m row
Swine - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 15:14 (115#)
Sam - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 14:40 (135#)
Nikki - 21/15/9 snatch&KTE - 15:13 (73#)
My abs have finally recovered from Wed's WOD....so I can't wait to get to class today. :) I'm sorry I missed yesterdays! That looked fun! ;)
Are other crossfit affiliates as accepting of people of all fitness levels as KOP? I was reading the main page and was suprised to hear people saying xfit is too intense for overweight people. I am sure you can imagine what I think about that!!!
I am wondering if crossfit is more testosterone rich in other places?
I've been to two other affiliates before and what I have observed is that they were accepting of new people or people that are out of shape. I don't think there is more testosterone elsewhere actually for the most part most affiliates are predominantely female.
If affiliates aren't accepting of out of shape folks they will not make money and succeed as a business.
Strength component:
Evan - 155x3, 160x2
Cindy - 90x3, 95x1
Jeff - 155X3
Dorothy - 85X3, 90X2
Olan - 150X3
JZ - 115X3
Jerry - 175X3, 185X1
Charlie - 150X3
Rob - 165X3
Curin - 115X3, 125X1
Gunter - 105X2
Jim C - 195X3, 205X2
Joe D - 135X3
Jen S - 105X3
Miranda - 105X3, 115X2
C.C. - 90X3
Evan - 14:04 @ 110#/Rx
Cindy - 11:05 @ 63#/13"/25#
Jeff - 11:43 @ 110#/25"/35#
Dorothy - 12:15 @ 63#/Rx
Olan - 12:15 @ 105#/25"/26#
JZ - 11:32 @ 65#/25"/30#
Jerry - 10:44 @ 125#/25"/35#
Charlie - 14:04 @ 105#/25"/30#
Rob - 12:37 @ 115#/Rx
Curin - 11:45 @ 73#/Rx
Gunter - 10:14 @ 64#/25"/40#
Jim C - 12:37 @ 135#/Rx
Joe D - 12:36 @ 95#/21"/35#
Jen S - 11:37 @ 75#/Rx (26.5#)
Miranda - 9:49 @ 70#/Rx
C.C. - 10:08 @ 65#/16"/15#
Joe A - 100BJ/100DU/500m row
Swine - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 15:14 (115#)
Sam - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 14:40 (135#)
Nikki - 21/15/9 snatch&KTE - 15:13 (73#)
Great job today everyone! Just a reminder if you didn't put your new PRs on the board and in your journals, be sure to do that next time you're at the box. See you tomorrow!
I have not been to other affiliates, but anyone that I have met at KOP, that had been visiting from another box, always says that we are the friendliest (sp) and most welcoming of box's. It's nice to hear that from others
Hope my xfit loves in KOP are doing well :)
Trishy!! :) :) :)
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