50 Burpees for time!!!
Brandon, trainer at Crossfit NE Georgia pours his heart into "Aqua Murph", along with his buddy Patrick: [wmv] [mov]
**Doug, maybe for your Birthday next year????
"As the ostrich when pursued hideth his head, but forgetteth his body; so the fears of a coward expose him to danger."
Akhenaton (King of Egypt, 14th century BC)
Miranda 85-3:43
Sam 180-1:37 Row 500M
Nicole 85-4:07
Mike M 165-1:30 Row 500M
Jason 175-4:07
Jim C.165-4:55
Jon 115-3:34
Cindy 85-4:59
Mike F. 185-5:21
Hannah 110-3:48
Tim M. 200-6:27
Paul 150-2:33
Keith 135-2:32
Doreen 95-3:29
Jen S. 70-3:34
Laura 90-2:52
Villanova's pool is connected to their track which has a pull up bar 20 feet off the track, i think it was meant to be
they didnt have the backpacks on in the pool and i am surprised that a 1000 yards of swimming added 35-25 minutes to their times?
their squat form was also awful.
granted i never did it rxd so i suck more.
han, this isn't meant to be a mean thing but you shrink every time i see you. good job girl.
so much for you being my pace car. lol.
Shoulder friendly on the road WOD in Texas at 05:30 this morning:
3 rounds using two 20 lb DB:
10 hang squat cleans
10 DB push ups
10L/10R DB Renegade Rows
10 Mountain Climber (4 count)
25 Sit Ups
10 Bicep Curl
10 Dips
Lap around hotel complex
Time: About 35 minutes
I know, I know, bicep curls. They were recommended for shoulder rehab. I am having pull up withdraw. Maybe in another week or so.
thanks jas. i know, what i really needed was a tow truck to pull me up that damn hill!
Curin, awesome job! you were truckin right behind me the whole time...hope to see you back real soon!!!
PS Doug - Happy Belated birthday :)
I am running a 5K on Saturday in Shippensburg and have been emailed the following request "You should probably bring a smokin hot crossfit chick this weekend." - Requested by a very good looking single guy friend of mine.
Jen ... unfortunately I will be out of town so you'll have to ask another smokin' hot CrossFit chick to join you!!! LOL Good luck on the 5K.
Jen S. good luck at the 5K!!!
All CrossFit chicks are HOT, especially the ones at CFKoP! Keep up the good work ladies!
Hey girls great work today - guys sorry I wasn't following you but the numbers look great all around.
This weekend a yoga studio in West Chester, The Spirit of Yoga, is hosting free classes - I'm planning on attending one on Sunday morning, hopefully after 9am crossfit, with my mom. I wanted to pass the info along to anyone else that might be up for it. Here is the current schedule, it might be best to call and ask if there are additional classes, but I'll post them if and when I learn of them!
sick numbers everyone!....p.s. i cant believe how much my lungs still burn from that row
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