
W.O.D. 1.17.17

3 Rounds of:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (105/155)
12 Front Squat (105/155)

(Rest 1 Minute between rounds)

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.”
–Mark Victor Hansen


Jenna said...

Jason 16:00 (bbmu/135)
Jenna 17:25 (mua/pu/85)

Danielle 13:23 (fetivus,purom,85)
Becca 16:50 (75,band,pu)
Jeff 11:52(135,jmu)
Mike Sa 19:19 (95,rom,bandmu)
Theresa 12:58 (85,boxmu)
Marissa 15:55 (65,band,festivus_
Matt B 18:06(puatt,95,bandmu)
Kevin 10:33 (115,boxmu)
Mark spak 14:24 (95,boxMU,band)
Manisha 18:17 (box,mua,70)

Raj 17:45 (festivus,pu)

CFKOP iPad said...

Danny 15:?? 9 rom pull up/95
Shantal 15:22 jump/band/55
Ina 12:52 jump/bnd/95
Jill h 15:39 jump/pull-up/95
Mary h 13:24 jump/pull-up/jump
Jackie 13:19 jump/ rom c2b/hpc only 105
Mike Roth 13:25 jump/115
Luis 15:56 jump/135
Joe c 17:07 sub c2b for bmu last round/135
Alex l 13:55 jump/115

CFKOP iPad said...

Jessie 14:26 band/rr/75
Rob c 14:27 135
Pam g 15:41 MUA/bnd
Mike si 13:30rx
JP 14:52 135/155
Tim h 13:30 grn bnd 115
Erika l 13:35 c2b att/ pull up/65
Sarah w 12:39 55 9 squats
Tori 14:50 65/jmu/pull-up
Nick g 14:58 65/grn band
Kevin h 13:41 6mu/115
Justin d 15:22 85
Kevin t 12:56 95

Aimee Lyons said...

Masters 1pm
Amrap in 10mins
3/6/9 PU/HPC/FS
Barb Z 6+3 55#/15 green band
Jodilee 3, 55# band
Dan C 4, 35/55# band
Terry 5, 45#
Teresa 5+4 35#

Anonymous said...

Cline 19:52 (jmu att, pu, 125#)
Noel 18:20 (jmu, pu, 105#)


Aimee Lyons said...

Edwin 9:15 75#
Solt 12:42 55#/RR/PU
Alona 16:51 85#/sc
Olan 13:53 MUA/115#
Regi 13:56 85#/BMU
Jill A 16:01 Rx
Giulz 15:12 Rx
Maggie 13:26 Rx
Julie 13:32 Sc
Keith 11:49 Rx
Rita 14:50 53#/JMU/band
Katie 13:56 55/JMU/band
Alex 14:36 65#/JMU/band
Justin 16:24 JMU/105#
Roman 12:55 105#
Angelo 8:48 115#
Marisa 75#/JMU/band
Samson 10:38 Ladies Rx

Anonymous said...

Steph C 16:06, 75#, festivus, pu
Matt B 16:09 135#, bmua
Rob P 16:35 95#, bmua/pu
TJ 17:19 95# banded bmu
Matt E 17:12 135# JMU
Mike C 14:49, 93#, bmua
Josh M 11:47, 135# (ROM squats)
Colin 16:45 95# JMU/BND
Ash 13:11, 85#, JMU, PU
Laura A 16:39 band bar mu (all else RX)
Neil 13:21 135#, jbmu
Alan 16:35, 65#, ring dips, ring rows


Keith B said...


Dave N 16:29 MUA/135
Mark St 10:30 MUA/115
Lex 12:40 JMU/65
Mooney 14:34 135
Aileen 12:38 PU/PU/95
Dana 16:51 1 and @105 2@95
Shawna 18:21 JMU/95
Kat B 16:28 PU/PU 25/53
Mike R 14:46 135
Flounder 14:35 JMU/105rom(squat)
Alicia-Marie 14:06 JMU/75