
W.O.D. 1.2.17

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4 Sets of 4 Strict Pull-ups

All for time:
Row 1000 Meters
3 Rounds of:
50 Double Unders
15 Shoot Throughs
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Time cap 20:00 Minutes

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."
–Ralph Waldo Emerson



Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Pam 20:12 Rx
Ellie 20:27 sc.
Kate K 20:27 sc
Dana 20:22 rx
Danielle G 20:00 sc
Edwin 19:31 rx
Meggan Le 20:27 sc
Kevin H 19:03 rx
Mary H 20:30 sc
Manisha 20:16 (pu/sc)
David C 20:17 sc
Anna C 20:1 5 sc
Tim H 19:25 sc
Ina 19:53 sc
Theresa L 20:15 rx
Liz B 20:20 sc
Jeff B 20:10 rom
Mike s 20:55 sc
Julie R 15:23 mama sc
JP 20:04 RoM

Anonymous said...

Jamie 20:12 bnd
Mark Sp 20:45 30DUA/20"boxes/bnd
Seba 20:35 30DUA/BND
Joe M 20:24 12Cal Bike/17"boxes/ROM
Karen M 20:39 30DUA/20"boxes/Bnd
King 19:26 rx
Laura A 20:21 Rx
Katie 20:33 15Du/20"boxes/bnd
Olan 21:25Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Kendall 20:35 sc
Jodilee :)
Mike M 20:17 sc
Barb c 20:10 sc
Aileen 19:02 sc
Mooney 19:49 rx
Nicole M 20:25 sc
Rob C 20:20 sc
Faith 20:29 sc
Steph C 20:19 sc
Michael C 21:35 sc
Kevin B 20:01 Rx
Chloe W 21:22 sc
Therese 21:08 sc

Anne B 20:10 sc
Twinnie 20:10 sc rom
Dave N 21:26 rx
Keith B 18:21 Rx
Alicia Marie 19:38 PU/Pull
Angelo 20:02 ROM
Borden 20:19 sc
Mike R 20:21 rx