
W.O.D. 1.9.17

Clean and Jerk

for time:
Take 60% of your 1 RM Clean and Jerk and complete 10 reps (goal is touch and go!)

Cash out:
3 sets of 15 reps of GHD Sit-ups

“The Way to Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” 
-Walt Disney


CFKOP iPad said...

Theresa L 110, 33sec
Mike San 135, 47sec
Ben 155, 1:15
Jason L 225 31secs

Anonymous said...

Ellie 95
Katie 165DL PR!
Kevin B 155, 37s@95
Mark Sp 155 39s@95

Anna 63 (95Jerk), 25s@58Jerk
RAJ 155PR, 41s@95
Kate K 118PR (120ClPR), 1:27@75

Aimee Lyons said...

Mary 85 55#, :41
Jackie 152 PR! 95#, :42
Kevin H 175 115#, :53
Tim P 185 135#, :47
David 93 63#, :57
Tori 75 55#, :46
Manisha 95 55#, :40
Jill H 125 PR! 75#, :41

CFKOP iPad said...

Mike si 205 31@135
Pam 140 39 @85
Nick 93 hang :)

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 264 158#, :33
John Mc 175 105#, :40
Olan 195 135#, :40
Joe M sq clean 135, 105# :44
Jill A 163 99#, 1:06
Karen 115 65#, :54
Katie D 105 PR! 65#, :44
Ryan A 275 165#, :60
Mike M 145 85#, :49
Jess A 95 PR! 55#, :34
Sarah G 80 53#, :43
Julie R 115 75#, :33
Therese 95 65#, :45

Manisha said...

correction to 5:15a
Theresa L 110, 33secs @ 65#
Mike San 135, 47sec @ 85#
Ben 155, 1:15 @ :))
Jason L 225 31secs @ 135#

CFKOP iPad said...


Dave 205, :32@135
Noel 175 PR!, :48@105
Danielle 135PR! YES BITCH :39@80
Esra 105 PR!, :39@65
Steph C 95, :45@60
Bryan 135 PR!, :42@85
Mike C 155 PR!, :57@95
Nate 145 PR!, :41@85
Matt B 230 PR!, :30@135
Ashley 130, :42@85
Borden 185, 1:04@110
Neil 210 PR!, :35@125


Keith B said...


Tia 140 :41@75
Dana 121 PR! :29@73
Shawna 95 :38@65
Alex 85 52@50
Meggan 103 :51@63
Alona 125 :33@75
Aileen 135 :33@85
Josh P 215 PR! :35@125
Stephanie Mc 110 PR! :36@65
Mariana 110 PR! :40@75
Mooney 225 :29@135
Vince 185 :36@115
Maggie 155 :26@95
Jen S 85 :29@55