
W.O.D. 1.26.17

For time:
400 Meter Run
30 Power Snatches (55/75#)
400 Meter Run
30 Thrusters (55/75#)
400 Meter Run
30 Power Snatches (55/75#)

Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.
 – Ancient Indian Proverb


Tim P said...

Dana D 13:56 Rx
Kevin B 12:38 Rx
Jeff B 15:23 Rx
Mark S 17:12 Rx
Katie M 13:19 (200m, 35#)

Meg H 13:09 Rx
Paul D 16:54 Rx
Kate K 15:47 (45#)

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 12:21 Rx
Bekah 15:53 Rx
Steph V 15:00 Row
Jill H 14:06 45#
Mary 15:53 40#
Manisha 15:36 45#

Aimee Lyons said...

Pam 11:41 Rx
JP 12:37 Rx
Joe C 16:29 Rx
Kevin T 15:46 65#
Rich A 12:28 Rx
Nicole M 17:22 35#
Rob C 14:12

Masters Amrap in 15min
200m run, hang pow snatch
Kevin 4 75#
Dan 4 53#
Terry 5 35#
Theresa 5 35#
Jen 6 15#
Anne 6 35#
Sheila 5 PVC
Ina 5 45#

Aimee Lyons said...

Melissa A 13:57 Rx
Remer 15:24 Rx
Mooney 13:57 row
Aileen 15:42 Rx
Jodilee 5 rounds 55# masters scale row
Edwin 12:22 Rx
Giulia 14:06 Rx
Oscar 12:30 Rx
Alex T 15:51 35#
Nicole 18:58 45#
Jess A 19:13 45#
Regi 14:50 Rx
Roman 17:53 Rx
Olan 17:01 Rx
John Mc 17:20 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Shawna 20:46 45# row
Kevin 13:49 65#
Patrick 14:56 Rx
Angelo 12:36 Rx
Laura A 13:30 Rx
Tia 14:18 45/200m
Rachel 12:28 Rx
Flounder 16:05 55#
Marisa C 13:52 35#
Matt Bo 17:19 Rx
Josh 12:56 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

6:30 PM

Michael 15:04 64#
Raj 17:05 Rx
Esra 17:54 45#
Jen S 19:15 Rx
Alan 15:25 45#/ AB
Steph C 16:09 45#
Matt E 16:05 Rx
Jeremy 12:44 Rx
Holly 12:14 Rx
Alejandra 16:05 35#
Ash 14:22 Rx
Danielle 13:07 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

7:30 PM

Noel 14:25 65#