
W.O.D. 1.30.17

Split Jerk

Cash out:
Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
GHD Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Don't forget to sign up for the CrossFit Games OPEN!
CLICK HERE to sign up today!

“In order to really find happiness, you need to continue looking for opportunities that you believe are meaningful, in which you will be able to learn new things, to succeed, and be given more and more responsibility to shoulder.”
 ― Clayton M. Christensen


CFKOP iPad said...

Mike San 135, 8:43 Rx
Theresa L 125, 5:41 Rx
Jason L 245, 9:19 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Jess D 133 PR! 5:53 35# ABMat *first class!!! Welcome Jess!!!!
Joe C 230# 5:53 Rx
Manisha 95# PR! 5:57 Rx
Jill H 125# 6:07 Rx
Kevin H 195# PR 5:45 Rx
Mary H 110# PR 6:41 Rx
Jackie 157 PR 6:28 Rx
David C 123# 6:03 35#ABmat
TorI E 90# PR 7:16 Rx

Anonymous said...

Mark Sp 165 7:41Rx
Ben M 155 8:50
Kevin B 175 PR 5:02Rx

Anna 83PR :) situp/18#onearm
Paul D 165 7:46Rx
Raj 160PR 7:46 Rx
Kate K 125PR, 7:38Rx

Rob C 225PR 10:40 Rx
Panos 215 :)
Meredith 95PR 8:52 ROM
Denise 140, 6:58Rx
Mike Si 225 5:55rx
Andrew C 245 6:28 rx
Keara 63 7:04 rx
Meggan 105PR 7:41Rx
Pam 155 5:02 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Jill A 171.6# PR 4:58 Rx
John Mc 175# 6:32 russ swing
Jodilee 100# 7:16 26#
Erik F 175# 8:12 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 286# 4:30 Rx
Aileen 155# PR! 6:15 Rx
Mooney 242# PR! 5:40 Rx
Julie R 115# 5:32 asq
Rich A 250# PR! 5:33 TTB
Alex T 90# 7:18
Anne B 83# PR! 7:02 26#
Therese 85# 8:14
Joe M 135# PJ 6:14 abm
Regi 165# 6:13 Rx
Justin R 235# 6:00 Rx
Maggie 190# PR 4:42 Rx
Marissa 140# PR 6:24
Rita 115# PR! 7:35 26#
Tia 165 PR! 6:42 Sit ups
Brian R 165 PR 7:45 44 russ abm
Shawna 95 6:07 abm
Giulia 161 PR! 4:30 Rx
Jenna 134 PR! 5:40 Rx
Debby 47 PR! 7:16 18/abm
Josh P 215# 7:53 Rx
Edwin 195 PR! 6:40 Rx
Twinnie 115 PR! 7:10 Rx
Alison 125 :)
Laura A 155 PR! 4:59 Rx
Arya 15# 7:26 18/situp
Nicole 95# PR! 7:24 Rx
Remer 205 PR! 6:24 Rx
Alona 125# 6:46 Rx
Jen S 90# 4:40 26/abm

CFKOP iPad said...


Donna 105 PR! 7:08 ABM
Fayth 105 8:00 Rx
Kris 135 PR! 6:34 Rx
Danielle 145 PR! 6:13 Rx
Borden 195 5:03 ABM
Matt B 245 PR! 7:43 Rx
Nate 155 PR! 7:30 Rx
Mike C 155 6:55 Rx
Mike Roth 165 PR! 4:59 abm
Michal 178 PR!
