


"The Chief" 
 Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 
3 Power cleans (95/135#)
6 Push-ups 
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute between rounds

Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

Score is total rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” 
-George Bernard Shaw


Colette Z said...

Danielle G 3+15, 4+3, 4+3, 4+2, 4+3 snake
King 4+2, 4+5, 4, 4+1, 4+1 RX
Hannah 6, 5+8, 5+2, 5+3, 5+3 RX+ 105#
Julia 3+12, 3+7, 3+3, 3+9, 3+13 snake
Elizabeth 5, 4+12, 4+4, 4+3, 4+8 RX+ 105#
Mark S 5, 4+9, 4, 4, 4+2 RX
Greg 4+14, 4+6, 4+8, 4, 4 RX
Brian 5+5, 5+1, 5, 4+14, 4+14 RX
Mak 4+10,4+5, 4+5, 4+5, 4+6 RX
Subhan 4, 3+3, 3+3, 3+10, 5+8 RX
Jamie 5+6, 5, 4+11, 4+8, 4+7 RX
Mike S 3+17, 3+9, 3+5, 3+2, 3+3 95# snake

Aimee Lyons said...

jackie 4,3+7 , 3+4, 3, 3+4 rx
Jill 4+3, 3+9, 3+6, 3+5, 3+5 85#
Mary 3+5, 3+4, 3+7, 3+7, 3+3 25# db hang clean incline pushups

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 7/6/5+12/5+9/5+4 rx
Cate 5/5/5/4/4 rx
Taylor 4/4+3/3/4+3/4+9 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Pam G 5+5/ 4+10/ 4+12/ 4+1 4 rx
Remer 5+13/ 5/5/4/4+6 rx
Max 5/4/3+2/3/3+2 115#
Dana H 5+7/4+3/5+3/4/3+9 rx
Dana D 5/5/5+1/5/5 85#-snake
Pete 4+1/ 4+1/4+1/4+1/5+1 rx
Rich 6+10 / 5+11/ 5+10/ 5/6 RX
Roman 3/2/2/1/2 31# ROM
Kevin H 5+3/4+1/3+1/3+2/3 RX
Geoff 3/3/3/2/3 RX

Aimee Lyons said...

Kyle 4+3/4/3/:)/:)
John Mc 4+2/3+6/3+8/3+9/3+9 ROM 105#
Jeff P 6+3/ 6/5+3/5+12/3+3 RX
Lauren T 4+6/ 3+17/3+12/3+3/3+1 snake
Erin M 5+13/ 6+11/5+6/ 5+3/4+9 rx
Freaky G 5+3 / 4+14/ 4+9/4+11/4+3 (snaky G)
Donna G 4+6/ 3+9/3+9/3+1/3+3 (snaky G)
Laura S 3+9 / 2+15/ 2+6/3/2+11 75#
Joe M 4+9/ 3+3/3+3/3+2/3 (105#)
Mike Mit 4+4/ 3+4/3+5/3+5/3+6 (105#)
Ben 3+6/ 3+1/3 / 3/3/ 3+7 (115#)
Yex 4+8/ 4+2/4+3/4+2/4 (85#)
Gianna 4+3/ 3+10/ 3+5/ 3+3/ 3+13 (snake 65#)
Matty Bo 3+13/ 3+2/ 3+1/2+13/2+10 RX
Karen M 4+3/3+11/4+3/ 3+11/3+16 85#snake
Alicia MM 4+3/5+1/4+3/4+1/4+6 65# snake
Keith 6+4/ 4+1/ 3+5/ 3+2/3+3 ROM

Taylor W said...

samson 4+2/ 4+2/ 4+2 /4+1 / 4+3 rx
Alex TU 4+1/3+11/3+1/3+3/3+3 115
erini 6+7/5+8/5+11/4+10/6+10 65
Kamilah 3+10/3+3/3/3/3 55 knee pushup
Bratty 4+2/3+14/3+4/3+2/3+1 65 snake
Erika 4/3+7/3+11/3+2/3+2 snake 65
Baez 4+/4/3+9/ 3+15/4+10 rx
Lil d 4+9/4+3/4+3/4+6/4+9 65 snake
Ryan p 4+7/4+1/4/3+6/3+13 rx

Taylor W said...

Ev 4+8/3+16/3+9/3/4 95#
Steph 4+10/4+9/4+17/5/4+13 65 snake
Missy 3+9/3+6/3+3/3+4/3+6 65 snake
ABO 4+1/4+1/4+1/4/3+14 snake
Leah 4?3+6/3/3/3 75
Seth 4/3+9/3/3/2+15 snake