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Push Press
Cash out:
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Push Press (use 70% of 2RM)
10 Box Jumps (20/24")
20 Double Unders
Advent Day 10:
Heaviest weighted Plank (held for :30)
(M/F winner!)
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
- Charles Darwin
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
- Charles Darwin
133# from floor
5+15 (83#, lateral jumps over bar)
7a Zoom
Cherie 48# 4+21 (18#,10DUA, 14")
Anna C 80# 6+10 (55#,40 Penguin Jumps, 10")
Ellie H 85# 6+14 (65#, 20")
Jess d 60/ 5+40 (step, 45#, 13”, single under)
Aimee 130# 8+30 rx
Lea 130# 7+7 rx
Jenna --- 7+3 (83#)
Carl 209 8+31 rx
Randy 165 7 rx
Jonathan 185 5+5 rx
Rich A 198 8+3 Rack/rx
Pam G 130 7+8 rx
Dana D 120 7+14 rx
Mary H 120 4+15 rx
Jill H 105 6+1 (2x SU)
Jerry T 165 5+6 20"
Ana C 138 7+18 rx
Kevin H 215 6+8 (135#)
Gia 100 5+15 :30 dub practice
Ben 175 3+15rx
Missy 95 3+10 20 inch box!! :30 Dub practice
Matt E 185 6+3rx
Terry 78 5+8 43#/10 DU
Barb C 53 5+15 33#/30 su
Gordy (BS) 6+10 20"/95#
Donna G 105 7 rx
Natalie Dentist 75/ 3+8 10 du
Joe S 185 6+13 rx
Keith B 185 6+5 rx
Remer 195 9+5 rx
Gianfranco 175 6+1 rx
Sal 175 5 (40su)
Olan 195 4+8 Rx
Grace T 110 7 rx
Karen Maley 115 7 + 4rx
Jill M 160 7 + 13 rx
Natalie D 135 6+10 rx
Remer 90 7 rx
Laura S 95 3+5 10 DU
Marissa 145 7+5 rx
Jamie 165 (180 x1 PR! + board) 8 + 2 rx
Mark S 185 6 + 5 rx
Mike Mel 205 6+25 rx
Ryan P 245 PR 6 rx
Sam Bo 235 5+ 20 rx
Danielle C 75 6 (13"/6 DUA)
Manisha 90# 7+5 Rx
Subhan 205 (225x 1)/ 5+1 rx
Kate c 135/ 5+13 (step up)
Kevin b 150/ 7+6 rx
Mike San 115/ 4+10 rx
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