
W.O.D. 11.13.15

 Welcome Matt from NJ!

 2 Rounds of: 

7 Deadlifts (125/185#)
7 Hang Power Cleans (125/185#)
7 Front Squats (125/185#)
7 Shoulder to Overhead (125/185#)
7 Front Squats (125/185#)
7 Hang Power Cleans (125/185#)
7 Deadlifts (125/185#)

4min Rest For Time

(14min Time Cap) 

"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind."
--Napoleon Hill


Anonymous said...

Balmer 14:15 Rx (reps not completed added to cap)
Mike Si 11:30 155
Mike S 12:56 83
Sue 10:45 50 (PwrCln for DL)
Kevin 11:17 95
King 13:30 135
Lauren 10:28 85
Shari 12:30 55
Ryan A 13:27 145
Jason L 9:23 135
Jeff B 12:23 155
Manisha 13:08 65

Briana 12:08 95/105
Pete 13:31 155

Aimee Lyons said...

If capped number of reps is added to the end of the 14th minute

9:30 and 12:15
Shane 11:00 135#
Bekah 12:08 85#
Jonathan 10:53 115#
Mary 9:48 35#
Kevin 10:50 45#
Katie 12:13 35/45#
Jackie 13:19 105#
Lindsay 13:08 65#
Barbara :)
Matt (drop-in NJ) 14:17 CAP Rx
Dana 13:18 90#
Tim H 12:14 125 45/35DB
Karen 12:34 53#
Denise 14:23 CAP 95#
Pam 14:13 CAP 105#

Tim H said...


CFKOP iPad said...

Laura 12:58 95#/115#
Olan 13:41 135#
Mike 13:19 75#

CFKOP iPad said...

Josh 14:14 cap Rx
Lauren 14:14 cap Rx
John Mc 14:10 cap 135#
Justin R 14:22 cap 155#
Jonathan P 14:28 cap Rx
Regi 13:23 110#
Ryan 13:53 125#
Gordy 10:03 115#/125#