
W.O.D. 6.25.14

Remembering the King and Queen 2013-Kate

Regional Workout- Event 7:
For time:
64 Pull-ups
8 Overhead Squats (135/205)
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."


Unknown said...

If you were going to leave your mark on this world what would it be? What contribution would you really want to be known for? How would that effect the state of affairs today? Lastly why are you not doing that now?

Paul S said...

"Nobody's gonna roll me. I carry pepper spray and a shiv."

Keith B said...


Bill 12:10 145 band
Candy 7:46 65 band (56 pull-ups)
Jon P 11:06 145
King 6:58 145
Mark 12:30 75 RR
Nolan 9:30 33 band

Hard and heavy! Great job choosing challenging weights.

Paul S said...

Jonathan 5:15 #205FS/Band
Fugo 7:08 #80FS/RR
Steph C. 5:30 #55/Band
Fran 3:15 #25/Band

Lighter Band FRAN!!!

Unknown said...

Alex 6:35, 85#
Roman 5:30, 105#
Arieanne 6:30, 53#/sc

Anne 6:30 35#/sc
Josh 8:15, 95#
Travis 6:29, 105#
John 8:24, 95#/sc
Rebecca 7:33, 45#/sc
Audrey 6:27, 35#/sc
Joe 5:40, 95#
Dana 7:18, 63#/sc
Jen S ?? 33#
Alona 10:31, 75#/sc

Unknown said...


Brett 6:27 115#
Nico 8;37 95#
Conn 7:00 95#
Megan 8:01 55#
Matt H 7:30 95# F/S
Derreck 7:34 F/S


Troy ??
Linda ??
Ryan 6:16 135#