
W.O.D. 4.18.14

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
12 Lunges 65/95# bar racked on back (6R/6L)*
12 Push Press 65/95#

rest 1:00 minute

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
10 Toes to Bar
10 Snatches 65/95#

Coaches notes:
*The bar should be moved to the front rack before the Push Press is started. 
Advanced athletes can lunge with bars overhead and novice can lunge with no weight component.

Community notes:
Tomorrow is our Easter Egg hunt/WOD at the 9:00 and 10:00AM.  This is a FREE class for members and friends. All ages are welcome.

On CrossFit and Risk by Julie Foucher

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
-Aristotle Onassis


Jason Lyons said...

Ellie, Shawn, Balmer, anyone else that golfs. We hold a fundraiser every year in honor of my best friend that passed away 10 years ago from cardio myopathy. The money raised from the tourney goes to a scholarship giving to a Philadelphia University student every year. This year the tournament is at the FDR golf course in Philadelphia. Costs are 100 dollars per person which includes golf, cart, all the drink you can consume and food. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you very much!

Paul S said...

Susan 4+12/3+8
Jeff 4+12/3+5
Lisa 4+12/3+13
Barb 6/3+14
Steph (1st Class) 5+12/4
Bre 3+2+7
Rich 3+16/3
Fran 5/4+17
Ronnie 4/4+15
Diane 4/4+15
Fugo 3+9/5+7

Welcome to the 9:30 Steph and Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Nice Work Am Crew on this double AMRAP! 7am needs to put in some practice time on their bumper bowling. :-))


Brian 4/3+9(T2Bsc/Pwr)@75
Nick 3(rx)/2(pwr)
Kim G 3+2/3+8(t2Bsc) @45
Jill A 3+12(rx)/2(ROMt2B/15hang)
Peter 5(Rx)/3+6(pwr)

Travis said...

Jason, what is the date?

Jason Lyons said...

I am dumb. May 18th, a Sunday at 8:00am

Travis said...

I'm gonna see if I can make that work. I also see the Phil's are home at 1:35 that day, could be a good pre game outing.

Jason Lyons said...

Great idea!

Unknown said...

5:30 Mobility

John M
Tim H

Unknown said...

Jill #55 3+12/3+19 #35
LP 5/3RX
Cline #65 4/2+13
JZ #75 4+7/2+16

Good work y'all.


Anonymous said...

Sharon 3+9/1(rom) @ 53
Anne 4+7(35)/3(25hang/t2bsc)

Tim m. 4+3 (oh)/5(rkbs)
Regi 3+18/2+11 rx
Manisha 3/3+4 (t2bsc/pwr) 35
Audrey 3+18/2+8 (t2bsc/pwr) 43