

21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Community Notes:
Thanksgiving--Thursday, November 28th, we will run the Amazing Race at 8:00AM.  This will be our third annual amazing race. Friends and Family are welcome this is a FREE class.  There will be teams for this workout, teams will race through Bridgeport with clues at each stop and challenges to accomplish. Please sign up via MindBody. Coaches Aimee, Jason and Steph will be running this WOD. Click here to sign up via MindBody.

The Black Friday schedule on, November 29th will be slightly modified; we will be running the following classes ONLY:

9:30AM CrossFit
12:00 PM CrossFit (babysitting available)
1:00PM Structured Strength
2:00PM Bridgeport Barbell Club
3:30PM CrossFit

Weekend Classes will resume normal schedule and be held in the Annex.  Please meet and park there as we will be hosting a level 1 seminar in the main gym.
Sunday, December 1st we will be hosting our monthly open gym, FREE for all members 11-1PM in the Annex.  Come to work on a skill, strength or missed wod.

 If we don't see you on Thursday---Have a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. 
–Steve Jobs


emilyyannabella said...

0600 You guys really pushed through this workout. Quite honestly, a shoulder destroyer. Pete, awesome job pushing through RX'd & Jason, practice those HSPU!

Becca 13:13 SC
Jason 14:51 SC
Kathleen 16:40 SC
Rachel 20:05 SC
Pete 21:00 RX
Mike S 19:01 SC

Anonymous said...
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emilyyannabella said...

9:30 - You guys were amazing this morning. Everyone did HS against the wall, Jill got not only her HS hold but HSPU, way to go girl. And Ronnie, you are determined, great job!

David: 13:12 RX
Jonathan: 13:26 SC
David: 13:29 SC
Jill: 13:57 SC
Ronnie: 14:41 sc
Lauren G: 14:00 SC
Nick: 14:25 SC
Nicole: 13:51 SC

Jason Lyons said...

Want to know how to suck at this WOD? Gain 15 pounds. EGAD!

Anonymous said...

Steph c 17:47 sc (first handstand!!)
Dianne 17:40 sc
Stasie 12:36 sc
Nick a 21:15 sc
Mike t 16:02 rx
Gavin 17:08 rx

Chris P. said...

Patrick 18:16 Rx?
Brian R 20:25 band
Roman 19:43 Rx?
Joe Jr 18:32 sc
Jen K 22:07 sc
Megs 13:58 floss
Alona 15:58 sc
Arianne 17:20 sc
Matt B 18:10 sc
Taryn 17:24 sc
John M 20:01 sc

Ditty 12:54 sc
Nick C 20:51 Rx
Shawna 13:24 sc
Tom 15:20 sc

Kate F 14:04 sc
Jessie 13:17 sc
Tim Mc 14:26 Rx

a mentally tough one for sure, but plenty of progressions to work on!