

4 - 1:00 Rounds for total Reps of:

Hang Power Snatch (55/75#) 
Burpee Box Jumps (20/24")
Front Squats (55/75#)
Double Unders

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” —Ella Fitzgerald


Chloe Darley said...

Larissa 246 35#
Alex 232 Rx
Tucker 261 20”
Dan 297 Rx
Brian 229 Hang Power Cleans
Tori 188 Rx
Christina 210 35#/ 13”/ single-single-doubles
Kevin 217 Rx
Jess 245 Rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Aimee 376 17"

Chloe Darley said...

Edwin 260 Rx
Pam 369 Rx
Shannon 329 Rx
Nick 200 65#/ 20”
Matt B 339 Rx
Sarah 153 45#/ 13”
Chloe 360 Rx

Lauren Taylor said...

Lauren 318
18" burpee step over
Sit ups instead of dubs

Chloe Darley said...

Danielle 430 Rx
Jeff 552 Rx
Greg 340 Rx
Gent 165 65#
Olan 350 65#/ single unders/ 20”
Grace 425 Rx
Matt P 380 Rx
Karen (3rd class) 270 15#/ penguin taps/ 13”
Freaky 396 Rx
Mae 370 DB snatch and FS/ single unders/ step ups
Natalie 309 Rx
Karen 546 single unders/ step ups
Julia 410 Rx
Mike 350 single unders/ step ups
Maddie 280 45#/ single unders
Josh 300 20”

Grace Hibler said...

Sravanh: 308 SU/DU 55#
Ulysses: 118 SU
Josh: :)
Rakshit: :)
Steve: 81 Scaled
Danielle: 330 13" SU+DU
Steph: 317 17" 45#
Chet: 82 SU
Mary: 78 35# DU attempts
Sai: 116 45# DU attempts