

For Load 

Back Squat 

Cash Out: 

AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
9 Wallballs (20/30 to 9/10ft)
6 Toes to Bar 
3 Burpees

"Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." 
– Nelson Mandela


Colette said...

Larissa 90, 5+2 14#
Alex T 285, 3+6rx
Erika 75 :)
Brennan 135, 4+9 20# rom
Jess 190, 4+7 rom
Tori 100, 5+1 rom
Tucker 205, 4+16 20#

Colette said...

Aimee 175 6+9rx
Mary 105 4+13 14#
Jackie 175 5rx
Sam 183 5+6rx
Cate 165 5+12rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Shannon 225 7 +15 rx
Edwin 275 pr 6 20#
Eric 236. 5+5 rx
Matty Bo 275 4+1 rx
Keith 325 5+7 rx
Chloe 170 5+4 rx
Erini 170 pr 4+7 rx
Evan 245 4+5 18#
Dana 185 6 rx
Geoff 265
Yormen 225 PR 4 20#
Bella 155 4+10 rx
PAM 195 7+10 rx
Gent 235 5+3 25# rom TTB

Aimee Lyons said...

Gordy 110 x12. 5+9 20#
Terry 105. 6 12# ROM TTB
Mae 105 safety squat. 6+9
Teresa 90 5 10# box kip swing
Barb 55 5+1 8# kip swing
Lisa 90 5 10# rom TTB
Richard 90 5 8 # box kip swing
Lee 100 6 6# ROM TTB
Kathy 105 4+9 8# box TTB

Chloe Darley said...

Megs 125#
Jeff :)
Grace 205#/ 8Rx
Matt D. 205#/ 6 20lb WB
Nick 175#/ 4+7 Rx
Rakkshit 275#/ 6 20lb WB
Adrian 286#/ 6+9 Rx
Karolina 120#/ 5+8 14lb WB toes to something
Trevor 275#/ 4+4 toes to something
Noah 177#/ 6 toes to pole 20lb WB
Rich 341#/ 6+7 Rx
Matt P. 175#/ 6 20lb WB
Alex 170#/ 7+10 Rx
Graysen 120#/ 5+17 14lb WB toes to something
Karen 185#/ 5+9 14lb WB
Natalie 195#/ 5+14 Rx

Chloe Darley said...

Karen 105#/ 6 Ski instead of burpees and 10lb WB
Danielle 175# PR/ 5 14lb WB toes to something
Lindsey 115#/ 6 16lb WB toes to something
Greg 205# / 5+9 Rx
Seth 286#/ 7 6lb WB, toes to pole, jump rope instead of burpees
Mitch 35#/ 6 10lb WB knee raises
Sai 100#/ 5 14lb WB toes to something
Shravan 205/ 5 14lb WB